ezHealthMart–s Obamacare Enrollment Centers are enrolling people fast and in big numbers with the new system and software they–re using to enroll. Mass amounts of people have piled through the doors of ezHealthMart–s Enrollment centers in South Florida and found themselves getting in and out with their plans for next year in just 5-10 minutes with the [ACA enrollment platform](https://obamacarepros.acaexpress.com/?id=4044). According to the President of the company, Joseph Gannon, they–ve adopted the motto of wanting to “help more people in a shorter period of time sign up for Obamacare or change their Health Plan”. Quick and easy is the way it is done at their Enrollment Centers located throughout Dade and Broward County Florida. Some days, even having lines that go outside the shop aren–t that bad, one customer saying “It felt like a breeze”, with the new ACA platform that the enrollment center has become well acquainted with.
December 17th being the last day for a January 1st effective health insurance plan, many people wanting to get insured seemed to choose the enrollment centers over other approaches to get insured for 2016. The efficiency to get a [health insurance](http://www.uhc.com/) plan seems to be inimitable with the Obamacare Enrollment Centers. Other ways such as HealthCare–s website with their phone line has waiting times up to 3 hours long, and other enrollment centers even take up to 10 hours to of waiting time before settling people with their enrollment system as of 2014. The enrollment centers ezHealthMart has set up is also filled with State Licensed Certified Agents by the Government. So people can be sure to come in and sit down with a professional that will find the right plan.
One thing many people don–t know is that there–s actually two ways to apply for Obamacare health insurance in the marketplace. There–s private exchange, or The Health Insurance Marketplace (the government facilitated websites). Here are a list of pros and cons for both. Here are the positives when it comes to the Private Exchanges such as ezHealthMart–s website. First: consumers can buy health insurance from licensed agents, online and in person (there are many times, especially when the consumer is self employed, where they must upload multiple documents which is much better when a consumer may go to an enrollment center such as ezHealthMart–s Enrollment Center–s Page and have an agent do it for them), or directly from insurance companies. Second, private enrollment centers are typically staffed with licensed health insurance agents. There are more options when shopping for plans through a licensed agent. Examples are Major Medical Plans (Under the ACA, consumers who do not qualify for or want a subsidy, but who want to avoid the tax penalty, can buy major medical health plans that meet ACA coverage standards on or off of government-run state exchanges). The rest of the info on this matter may be found by clicking here on ezHealthMart–s website for [How To Sign Up For Obamacare](http://www.ezhealthmart.com/) correctly.
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