Tilt Switch Video Series From Select Controls Inc. Makes Souring Switches Easy

Tilt switches may be small components but they are also quite complex and ultimately fill a big role in many aerospace, automotive, security, and commercial applications. For OEMs and component distributors who need to source them directly from a manufacturer, the right choice isn–t always apparent. To compound this challenge, there is always pressure to get tilt switches produced promptly, at lower costs, and to avoid delays when incorporating them into greater system. This means that even the most experienced OEMs and distributors can benefit from at least a little guidance in specifying and purchasing these components.

Bohemia, NY based sensor and switch manufacturer, Select Controls Inc., is quite aware of this reality. To help their current and prospective clients make a more informed purchasing decision, and to remove much of the guesswork from the process of sourcing a tilt switch manufacturer, they–ve released a new series of tilt switch videos online.

In addition to helping viewers make a faster, more assured choice in selecting a tilt switch source, the new video series aims to educate consumers on the many different types of switches available and how they can factor into a variety of different systems. Individual videos focus on adjustable tilt switches, mercury switch alternatives, anti tilt switches, and their designs. Viewers can also learn more about the many different configurations that can be incorporated into tilt switches and similar components offered by Select Controls Inc.

[The new tilt switch videos are now available for view](http://www.magoda.com/select-control-tilt-switches/) on the industrial and manufacturing news site Magoda. The Select Control Inc.–s video series can also be found on Magoda–s official YouTube channel. More information on tilt switches, as well as sensors and other components, can be found on Select Controls Inc.–s company website and online catalog, where customers can instantly submit their questions and requests.

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