What is time?
A simple question which is not that easy to answer in detail.
Even Augustinus Aurelis, bishop of Hippo Regius and philosopher at the epochal threshold from ancient times to the Middle Ages, said:
“What is time? If nobody is asking, I know everything; if somebody is asking and I want to explain the details, I do not know anything about it.” (free translation of the following German official version:
“Was ist also die Zeit? Wenn mich niemand darüber fragt, so weiß ich es; wenn ich es aber jemandem auf seine Frage erklären möchte, so weiß ich es nicht.”)
As the leading European manufacturer of time synchronization solutions hopf Elektronik GmbH has summarized the process from occurence to distribution of time in the whitepaper “What is time”.
Our entire day is organised by time – dial and hands of a clock are helping us to arrange everyday’s life and to provide stability when planning future steps.
Time enables us to put events and experiences in a logical order because time is uni-directional for our perception. We are not able to stop or reverse time – it is streaming from the past to the future and is distinguishing cause and effect.
Get more information about
* the definition and measurement methods of time
* the terms of time (International Atomic Time, UTC, Standard Time as well as Local Time)
* the distribution of time reference signals via GPS or DCF77
by downloading the hopf whitepaper What is time
at http://www.hopf.com/pdf/whitepaper_what-is-time_v01.00_en.pdf
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