Cornerstone Software Improves Sales Compensation Planning & Management for SMBs

Cornerstone Software today announced two new product features on its Sales Motivator platform, the leading sales compensation software for companies maintaining a sales force of 15 to 100 sales representatives. Already recognized as a safer, smarter alternative to spreadsheet-based commissions, Motivator–s unique value proposition is now even more compelling for small and mid-sized businesses”especially those still designing or calculating commission plans with Excel. The new feature debut coincides with fourth-quarter sales planning, as most leaders are beginning to review budgets, quotas, and goals for next year.

œThe less time companies spend puzzling over sales commissions, the more time they can spend building revenue and driving business,” said Scott Wade, CEO of Cornerstone Software. œWe developed these enhancements to streamline and improve Motivator–s core functions: compensation planning, modeling, and management.”

On the planning side, Motivator–s new Analyze Model feature will help sales compensation plan designers test the assumptions they–ve made, in terms of how annual plan changes will impact individual reps. Users can access an interactive scatter graph œIncentive Variances by Performance,” which allows them to quickly understand how the newly designed plan and attainment assumptions will impact every rep on their team. The visual display makes it easy for designers to identify outliers and any unintended consequences of prospective plan changes”helping company leaders identify problems before they happen.

œThis time of year, companies should be designing compensation plans to drive their 2016 business goals. In the process, they should be modeling multiple scenarios for all members of their sales teams,” stressed Teanna Spence, Cornerstone–s Director of Compensation Products. œBut without a tool like Sales Motivator, each calculation involves a tremendous amount of work. I find that even the best organizations are only spot checking scenarios for one or two of their top salespeople and for one or two underperforming reps. There–s a huge risk they–re overlooking holes that could make a plan unaffordable; significantly alter a salesperson–s pay as compared to the previous year; or worst of all, force top sales talent out the door.”

On the compensation management side, Motivator–s new Analytics tool can be used throughout the fiscal year. It will give managers clear insights into real-time compensation data as to how the plans are performing.. In particular, sales leaders can use the Analytics feature to address company and individual performance issues sooner, and act on coaching opportunities they might otherwise have missed.

œSometimes a rep doesn–t understand the plan rates,” Spence explained. œSales Motivator Analytics makes it easy to see whether someone–s underperforming, or just focusing on the wrong products or deal types

œThe average company spends almost 15 percent of its annual revenue on sales compensation,” concluded Wade. œA well-designed compensation plan ensures that investment is going toward optimal sales performance and toward the targeted results you need to grow your business.

About Cornerstone Software

Cornerstone Software, Inc. is the company behind Sales Motivator, a web-based, self-service software solution that automates the sales compensation process for small and medium-sized businesses. Sales Motivator helps company leaders drive their strategic goals, using proven formulas and highly motivating commission structures. Offering transparent plan documents and a dedicated portal for reps to review potential commissions on pipeline opportunities, Motivator also plays a key role in helping organizations attract and retain top sales talent.

For more information, visit or call 877-881-0001.

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