Neo Technology Announces Availability of the Spring Data Neo4j 4.0

SAN MATEO, CA — (Marketwired) — 10/13/15 — Neo Technology, creator of , the world–s leading graph database, today announced the general availability of , redesigned from the ground up to support the next generation of Neo4j deployments.

“Spring and Neo4j have a long and productive history,” said Emil Eifrem, CEO of Neo Technology. “Today–s release is very exciting for me personally because Spring Data has its origins in a shared vision with Rod Johnson (Spring founder and now Neo Technology–s Chairman) to make alternative database (non-RDBMS) development more seamless for Spring users. As the first Spring Data project, we are happy to announce today–s release of Spring Data Neo4j 4.0, which was one year in the making. Bringing together the convenient programming model of Spring with the power of Neo4j, Spring Data Neo4j 4.0 makes it easier than ever for enterprises to build intelligent applications leveraging data relationships.”

The new version of Spring Data Neo4j represents a major investment to provide the best experience possible for today using the dominant Neo4j and Spring architecture patterns of today. It offers advanced features to map annotated entity classes to Neo4j, supporting the well established Spring Data programming model.

The latest release of Spring Data Neo4j was built in cooperation with London-based Neo4j partner, GraphAware.

“We–ve worked with Neo Technology to create a new version of Spring Data Neo4j from the ground up with the enterprise in mind,” said Michal Bachman, Managing Director of GraphAware. “With full Spring Data compliance and integrations with other projects in the Spring ecosystem, this release means that building Spring-based, Neo4j-backed enterprise applications will be a breeze.”

New architecture optimized for today–s typical Neo4j deployment architecture

A new Neo4j object-graph mapping (OGM) framework

New, intuitive label-based type representation

Object-Graph mapping of annotated POJO entities

Utilizes a Neo4j interaction layer based on Cypher

Integration with Spring Data REST

Extensive Spring Data Repositories support

Spring Data Neo4j is a part of the Spring Data project, which provides convenient support for Neo4j and other modern database management systems.

To learn more about today–s release, visit:

Neo Technology is the creator of Neo4j, the world–s leading graph database that brings data relationships to the fore. From companies offering personalized product and service recommendations; to websites adding social capabilities; to telecom providers diagnosing network issues; to enterprises reimagining master data, identity, and access models; organizations adopt graph databases as the best way to model, store and query both data and its relationships. Neo Technology researchers pioneered the modern graph database and have been instrumental in bringing the power of the graph to numerous organizations worldwide. Large enterprises like Walmart, eBay, UBS, Nomura, the InterContinental Exchange, Cisco, CenturyLink, HP, Telenor, TomTom, Lufthansa, and the National Geographic Society, as well as startups like CrunchBase, Medium, Polyvore, Zephyr Health and Elementum use Neo4j to unlock business value from data relationships.

Neo Technology is a privately-held company funded by Fidelity Growth Partners Europe, Sunstone Capital, Conor Venture Partners, Creandum and Dawn Capital, and is headquartered in San Mateo, CA, with regional offices in Sweden, UK, Germany, France and Malaysia. For more information, please visit .

Lila Razzaqui
Kulesa Faul for Neo Technology, Inc.
(408) 396 – 1350

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