Wise Group Predicts Growth In Biometric Technology in Home Security

Biometrics is using fingerprints or face recognition to identify an individual. It offers many advantages over traditional door keys, lock combinations or swipe tokens. There is a requirement that the person being identified is physically present and eliminates the need to remember security codes, keys or tokens.

Apple–s use of biometric Touch ID finger print scanner authentication on its devices is a strong indication of the expected expansion of this technology to soon interface with other devices and appliances requiring fingerprint identification for access.

My Kyle Gray Business Manager of Wise Group Security said, œBiometrics is an effective way to get a greater level of assurance given it–s almost impossible to fake.” He went on to say, œThe level of security can also be enhanced to prove the true identity of the individual user when coupled with a personal question or pin number being used.

The security around the biometric data must be of the highest standard, be monitored and subjected to a very high level of security. This requirement can make the current use of it limited to high end residential applications, however, the fast pace of changing technology will see this change in the very near future.

Mr Kyle Gray said, œwith homeowners taking all forms of security more seriously, Biometrics is having a significant role to play in residential applications. We have noticed a increase in enquiries regarding the services we offer in this area.”

About Wise Group Security

[Wise Group Security](http://www.wisegrouphomesecurity.com.au) offer a variety of home security services across Australia including security cameras, monitored home alarm systems, smoke detectors as well as intercom systems and access control solutions for all residential applications.

You can learn more about Wise Group Security and the home security services offered by visiting the following website link: http://www.wisegrouphomesecurity.com.au

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