MEDIA ALERT: Oski Technology to Host Decoding Formal Club October 21 at Computer History Museum

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA — (Marketwired) — 10/06/15 —

The next Decoding Formal Club will address “How to Ensure Completeness of End-to-End Formal Testbench for Sign-Off”

Will be hosted by Oski Technology, Inc., the only dedicated formal verification service provider, and sponsored by Synopsys

Wednesday, October 21, from noon until 4 p.m.

Computer History Museum, Mountain View, Calif. Pre-registration is required.

Vikas Chandra, principal engineer at ARM, will present “Mobile Hardware Security”

Prashant Aggarwal, principal engineer with Oski Technology, will offer a look at “How to Ensure the Completeness of End-to-End Formal for Sign-off”

Kenny Xing, principal design engineer from Broadcom, will describe “Creative Formal Techniques to Verify PCache”

Yogesh Mahajan, engineer at NVIDIA, and Oski–s CEO Vigyan Singhal will review “Compositional Reasoning Gotchas in Practice”

The Decoding Formal Club series is a regularly scheduled forum for formal verification enthusiasts, pioneers and leaders who work to promote the sharing of ideas, advancement of formal technology, and adoption of formal sign-off.

To register for the Decoding Formal Club, go to:

More information about Oski Technology can be found at:

is a formal verification services company with expertise in deploying formal verification on complex, digital designs. Oski Technology has developed a unique Formal Sign-off Methodology and Oski Abstraction Models to solve challenging capacity problems with formal verification. Its formal methods bring a higher level of productivity than traditional simulation and formal verification approaches. Oski Technology, headquartered in Mountain View, Calif., with a design center in India, has built a team of the world–s foremost experts in formal verification. More information about Oski Technology can be found at:

Formal Sign-off Methodology is a trademark of Oski Technology, Inc. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

For more information, contact:
Nanette Collins
Public Relations for Oski Technology
(617) 437-1822

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