Controversial Review Of The Rich Jerk Could Upset Deadbeats

[]( has released a potentially controversial review of The Rich Jerk, bringing some cause for concern, as the review may upset people who need constant hand holding.

The 1000 words review examines the high points and low points of the Rich Jerk online marketing course, in the pursuit of providing clear answers for people that know what they want. In typical manner though, a certain element of the review is set to spark discontent among losers and tire kickers.

Below is a portion of the review, which neatly exemplifies the controversial element:

The Rich Jerk system is definitely not for the faint of heart. The smack talking, self-loving, online millioniare hold back and attacks everyone from women to old people. While the methods Rich Jerk course is unconventional, the results speak for themselves.

[Just look click here to look at the controversial video](

A spokesperson for, Derek Denert, says “Of course never sets out to intentionally upset anybody. The aim of our reviews is first and foremost to to help understand the process behind the Rich Jerk. It is critical, however, that we stay dedicated to our true voice.

Although our review of The Rich Jerk might unsettle people who need to be spoon fed everything, our duty it to our readers. We believe it–s more important to getting the right information out, than to please everyone. Which is notoriously difficult to do.”

Although there has been no backlash as of yet, the possibility exists as the review doesn–t try to make everyone a winner. has stated the future aims for the website are give clear informattion on the Rich Jerk and make internet marketing in general. So hopes any controversy will pass quickly and re-emphasizes no offense is or was intended.–s complete write up,review and the special Rich Jerk bonus can be found at

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