Have a say in ISO 29119 at the press of a button: imbus glossary provides all definitions of the international norm

From „accessibility testing“ to „white box testing“ and from „Abbruchkriterien“ to „Zugänglichkeitstest“: It only takes one click in the glossary to display the scientific terms of ISO 29119 parts 1 to 4. “The standardized terms help to understand the series of standards precisely”, explains Matthias Daigl, senior consultant at imbus and a member of the working group 26 of ISO/IEC JTC1 SC7 creating the ISO norm 29119. “At the same time, the definitions are also a reliable communication source for software testers, who do not work with the standard.”
With the ISO 29119 terms, imbus enhances its online glossary, which has particularly contained technical vocabulary from the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB®) so far. “The ISO definitions and the ISTQB® definitions are independent of each other”, emphasizes Matthias Daigl. For this reason, there can be different definitions from the two sources for single terms. The ISO definitions always stick to a predefined, characteristic composition in one single sentence.
The imbus glossary cites all English ISO 29119 terms in the original words. The German equivalents were translated by imbus and reviewed by ISO expert Matthias Daigl.

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