Vary Content on Google+ to Help Build on Engagement, Advises Punch

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwire) — 08/04/11 — Punch Communications, a UK-based , is advising brand marketers to vary content across social media platforms, including Google+, to ensure fans don-t become disenchanted with the brand-s online presence through viewing exactly the same content across different networks.

Social media use has flourished in recent years, with user numbers across leading networks such as Facebook and Twitter continuing to increase on a daily basis. However, with the recent emergence of Google+, already rumoured to have amassed 25 million users in the space of 5 weeks, this has left PR and social media professionals with another network to consider in their quest to engage with potential customers.

Traditionally, content would be varied between Facebook and Twitter, given the 140-character restrictions of posting on Twitter. However, with Google+ already proving itself to be a force to be reckoned with in the social space, brands must look to adapt strategies to entice fans through this new network. Google+ has no restrictions on the number of characters allowed in a post, so although brand pages aren-t yet active, they will be shortly, and marketers must look to utilise this network with a new form of content.

A brand that is marketing itself across a number of networks should use diverse content to maintain user happiness across different networks. The topic of the post could be the same, but it-s vital that different styles and length of post is used to reach the different audiences. While a brand may have a strong following on Facebook and Twitter ranging across a wide user-base, those on Google+ are arguably more -tech-savvy- due to their early engagement, and as such could be targeted in a different way.

Further to this, an avid fan of a brand may follow it across numerous networks. Were they to see the exact same content posted at the same time across different networks they-re unlikely to repeatedly engage. Building fan numbers may be important, but varying content to ensure engagement occurs through different networks is essential.

Pete Goold, managing director at Punch Communications, said: “Varying content across different networks is essential to maintain user happiness and to encourage them to engage. With users potentially using two or three networks on a daily basis, followers will want to see a variety of content and brands must adhere to this to maintain strong follower and engagement levels.

“When Google+ brand pages are launched it will be key for businesses to use the network creatively and play to its strengths rather than using it as a location to replicate Facebook or Twitter content.”

Punch Communications is an integrated PR, search and . For more information on how Punch can help promote your brand across the traditional and sectors, visit or call 01858 411600.

Punch Communications
Pete Goold
+44 (0) 1858 411 600

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