Cross Music Promotion Site – Short URL Music Ads – New Marketing Strategy, a Cross Music Promotion Site featuring Short URL Music Ads has launched a new marketing strategy. The new music marketing strategy no longer implements video gating features as its primary marketing tactic. Its new featured music promotion strategy within its music ad pages that are shown for 5 seconds before the website visitor clicks on through to the shortened URLs destination is now open to widgets that musicians, bands and music artists already use. Widgets from music marketing websites such as ReverbNation, BandCamp and SoundCloud are now welcomed along with YouTube and any other video hosting platform like Vevo and Vimeo.

The video marketing script that was previously featured will still be available as either a bonus giveaway option or as a paid upgrade but will no longer be the primary content for the music page ad. It utilizes video gating features such as Facebook Like gating, email opt-in gating and click a link gating.

The owner of, Joe Vecchio, explained it this way:

“Previously, members only had the option to use the video gating marketing script on their music ad pages. Now we are open to all of the common and popular music widgets already on the market. We think this change will increase the likelihood for new members to join and embrace our Short URL Music Ad Community. First off, video gating features are nice and we did implement the option to not lock the video with the gating but to create the video per the members specs takes time for both the members and Administrators. Now we can just simply copy/paste a widget embed code that already exists.”

People within the music industry can visit the [Cross Music Promotion Site]( here: is a Cross Music Promotion Site which utilizes Short URL Music Ads. Members simply shorten any URL they want and place them out on the web during their normal content marketing strategies. When people click on the shortened URL, another members Music Ad page is displayed with a 5 second countdown timer before the “Skip and Go” button appears for the visitor to continue on to the intended URLs destination. It is free for people within the music industry to join and shorten URLs. 1,000 ad view credits costs $100 and includes the setup of the ad page. Shortened URLs include the members referral ID auto-embedded in the logo. Commissions are 50%.

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