Controversial Review Of Affilojetpack Could Upset Super Affiliates

Solopreneur System has released a potentially controversial review of Affilojetpack, bringing some cause for concern, as the review may upset marketers who have mastered affiliate marketing.

The 1280 word review examines the high points and low points of the done-for-you affiliate marketing system, in the pursuit of providing insider information based on what–s working for top marketers for solo entrepreneurs . In often necessary manner though, a certain element of the review is set to spark discontent amongst Super Affiliates.

Below is a portion of the review, which neatly exemplifies the controversial element:

Recently published information from Hubspot indicates that short reports are not the most effective tools for list building. Rather, very easy to consume media such as templates, swipe files and case studies get a much better opt in rate.

A spokesperson for Solopreneur System, Gynto Buzon, says “Of course Solopreneur System never sets out to intentionally upset anybody. The aim of our reviews is first and foremost to provide a fair analysis of the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities to improve results from the product our readers may not otherwise be aware of. It is critical, however, that we stay dedicated to our true voice.

Although our review of Affilojetpack might unsettle marketers who have mastered affiliate marketing, our duty it to our readers. We believe it–s more important to tell the facts as we see them, than to please everyone. Which is notoriously difficult to do.”

Although there has been no backlash as of yet, the possibility exists as the review suggests methods that super affiliates like to keep to themselves because these secrets attract more opt ins and can provide unlimited traffic to their websites.

Solopreneur System has been a provider of thorough reviews in the affiliate marketing market for only a short time as it is newly established. In fact this is their first published review.

Solopreneur System has stated the future aims for the website are to provide high level insight and practical analysis to their readers so readers can understand not only the strengths and weaknesses of the products being reviewed but also opportunities to make their marketing more successful. So Solopreneur System hopes any controversy will pass quickly and re-emphasizes no offence is or was intended.

Solopreneur System–s complete write up and review of Affilojetpack can be found at:


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