Montessori App Seeks Montessori guides for Beta Testing

Be The Change Development has a limited number of beta slots available for Montessori guides interested in testing a Montessori recording keeping and planning app. Their new product Montessori Notes is being built from the ground up and the company is seeking feedback from trained Montessori guides.

Interested potential beta testers can find out more about the Montessori Notes app by visiting the website:

Grace Branden has plans to incorporate several sought after features, including:

Guide centered – Montessori Notes is built for the guide as a way to make record keeping and planning more portable. Montessori Notes is designed to be the guide–s personal record keeping and planning notebook. It would be especially useful for the guide whose school has an established IT infrastructure that is good at organizing the school, but not so great at Montessori style record keeping and planning. This app will be accessible to all guides, no matter what the larger school is doing.

Designed for variety of lessons – This app is designed to streamline the entire record keeping and planning process. The guide will be able to record keep from the plans and see plans in a couple different ways. The app is designed to give visual feedback to the teacher to ensure a variety of lessons are being given to all the children. Also, the app is not an online spreadsheet for checking off lessons. Rather, it will serve as a type of feedback for the guide to reflect on the work happening and the work that needs to happen int the environment.

Comes with the lessons and presentations – The app will come in two different versions. One for guides working in Children–s House and one for guides working in the elementary levels. Each app will come with a complete list of presentations, lessons, and exercises. Even better, the guide can add to or modify this list for their classroom of children. The app will support a class of up to 40 children.

Selected beta testers will be expected to give feedback on these features as well as other planned functionality in the Montessori Notes forum.

Grace Branden, App Designer, is eager to find the right match between Montessori Notes and Montessori guides. In particular,

“Be The Change Development is looking for practical feedback that will allow the development team to make improvements to Montessori Notes. In exchange, Montessori guides will receive free access to the product for the first year. The designers are also considering a special incentive plan to reward these early testers with special lifetime pricing and other benefits for helping to shape development.”

Qualified beta candidates can find out more and apply directly on the website,

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