Get Your osrs gold Ready For Abyssal Bludgeon And Dagger

Abyssal sire is coming in September. Abyssal sire will drop an abyssal bludgeon and abyssal dagger if you have killed this monster. Those new weapons seem really great, want to get them? You must have 85 slayer in order to kill the abyssal sire. Are there plenty of reason for you to work on your slayer level if you are not able to approach this monster currently? Get cheap osrs gold on rsorder to help you speed up this process.

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Abyssal Bludgeon
The abyssal bludgeon requires 70 attack and strength to use. The abyssal bludgeon gives lower strength bonus than the abyssal whip. And it seems pretty bad that the abyssal bludgeon will have only one attack style that uses crush and trains strength. However, the good thing is that it is super strong and it can work alright. As strong as claws, it will probably be the best damage spec for anything, though only at 99 prayer.

The special attack of the abyssal bludgeon costs 50% special attack energy and increases damage dealt by 0.3% for every prayer point that you are missing. Since the bludgeon is made from 3 parts it will likely be a higher price, so it is wise for you to buy runescape 2007 gold on rsorder.

Abyssal Dagger
Another great weapon you will get is the abyssal dagger. It requires 70 attack to equip. Abyssal dagger is slightly weaker than a Zamorak hasta, but this dagger can be considered as a novelty weapon. It–s special is also very accurate and can be more reliable than the DDS. The dagger spec is better if you–re fighting someone whom you have less than 50% accuracy with than the dragon dagger. The dagger can be poisoned as well.

The abyssal bludgeon and abyssal dagger will be dropped by the abyssal sire. If you are not achieved 85 Slayer, you need to work hard to increase your slayer level. It can be dangerous to fight with abyssal sire, so you need to try hard to kill abyssal sire to get these two weapons. Chances are you will need 07 runescape gold if you want to kill the abyssal sire. You can always buy cheap runescape 2007 gold with us on up to 10% off.

Get Your Runescape 2007 Gold Ready For Abyssal Bludgeon And Dagger

Abyssal sire is coming in September. Abyssal sire will drop an abyssal bludgeon and abyssal dagger if you have killed this monster. Those new weapons seem really great, want to get them? You must have 85 slayer in order to kill the abyssal sire. Are there plenty of reason for you to work on your slayer level if you are not able to approach this monster currently? Get cheap runescape 2007 gold on rsorder to help you speed up this process.
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