Is It Fair to Reach Hiscores by Donation? Who is the No. 1 in OSRS Construction?

Recently, Old School Runescape Construction hiscores appears names of two players, STEN and Randalicious, who have reached 200M construction. The difference is that STEN reaches the rank 1 by earning osrs gold by himself, while Randalicious win the achievement by accepting donation. Hence, many players gathered on reddit to discuss whether it is fair to reach high rank in hiscores by donation. Read on with RSorder to see what the main concerns from players are.

STEN & Randaliciou have reached 200M Construction in OSRS

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From the hiscores, we can see that many players have reached level 99 Construction. However, only two players, STEN and Randaliciou, succeed to gain 200,000,000 XP and climb to the max glory with Randaliciou being shown on top spot and STEN ranking the hiscores secondly.
Now here is the thing: Some players think that Randaliciou doesn’t deserve the first place since he was donated the materials for 200m construction by a guy who banked the materials. Instead, they believe that STEN is the real Number 1 because he earns all materiel and 07 rs gold by himself. What’s more, STEN is also the only one who ranks 1 Prayer and Construction, two of the most expensive skills in runescape, which makes him to be respected. So the question is that whether accepting donation is fair to rank Hiscores. RSorder brings you to find some answers from other players.

Different opinions about accepting donation for hiscores

On the one hand, some players, based on the criticism on Randaliciou, indicated that it is fair to accept donation due to the fact that non ironmen accounts can get items in different ways. Thus, no matter what way they use to reach the goal, the honor should belong to the winner, and it is pointless to think a lot of how they get the achievement. Suomi, a prominent person in RS 3 is an example that used donations to be first to 200m.
On the other hand, the opposite of players believe the way players get the achievement is more important than the achievement itself. STEN worked for his money to afford 200M construction, which makes his achievement superior. Still nice of Randaliciou to get 200m cons though, quite the effort, but hardly earned money is more respected.

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