Runescape Weekly Patch Notes Update with osrs gold

The most reliable site to buy osrs gold with paypal without any week, as usual, Runescape improved the bugs and problems occured in the game. You will experience the changes when you play it. If not, you can read our patch notes here and know how it works.


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Graphically, the border on the Legacy inventory interface displayed in the bank has been realigned. The Barbarian walk override now has a flowing cape animation. Morytania skyboxes now appear dark blue when turned off. A stretching issue with the back of the relic helm of Seren has been fixed.

The TzHaar-Ket-Om no longer appears distorted when used in combat. The turn-up shorts base kit now shows the correct skin colour. Straven no longer has a gap in his head. Cyreg Paddlehorn–s air staff has been graphically updated. The iron kiteshield no longer stratches outside of combat.

Stretching issues with corrupt dragon helms have been fixed. The sheathe weapon animation has been tweaked to prevent capes from snapping. The Fairy Dossier has been graphically updated. The animation for assault is now synchronised to the players movement.

Amelia now correctly speaks about Marius instead of Velaria. Cutscenes in Carnillean Rising no longer force the camera inside a wall. Players who have started but not completed Big Chompy Bird Hunting will no longer state that they have killed a large number of chompy birds via Quick Chat.

Royal bolts now work correctly with the Tirannwn quiver. Wielding a main-hand and off-hand weapon now only counts as one item for the “In the Darkness Bind Them” Task, to maintain the level 90 Dungeoneering requirement.Players who have completed the Medium Ardougne Task Set and above can no longer reclaim Ardougne cloak 1.

All players who have not previously unlocked cosmetic skill pendants can now claim them from Diango for free. Players who already own unused or fully broken Achto Mazcab armour will now receive unowned pieces rather than duplicate pieces when looting Raids bosses.

More updates will come at and stay tuned.

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Big Chompy Bird Hunting

Quick Overview
Time: 4 hours
Quests: None
Skills: Level 5 Fletching, 30 Cooking, 30 Ranging
735 ranged xp
1,470 cooking xp
262 fletching xp
Ogre bow, ability to fletch Ogre arrows, ability to cook Chompy birds and hunt them for cool hats (See Chompy Hunting Guide).
Quest points gained upon completion: 2


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