The best brains: Fraunhofer researcher appointed professor in Darmstadt

Fraunhofer researcher Arjan Kuijper will be a professor at TU Darmstadt as of August 1. His appointment continues the tradition of taking university research to the industrial world.
As of August 1, 2015, TU Darmstadt will have an additional professor, and Fraunhofer IGD another employee, with the highest academic achievements. As Research Coach of Fraunhofer IGD, Arjan Kuijper is the point of contact for the Fraunhofer researchers in Darmstadt, Rostock, Graz, and Singapore for scientific publications. Since 2008, the likeable Dutchman has assisted with countless publications and is the first point of contact for any employee interested in a doctorate.
?I am both honored and overjoyed to be able to combine my job at Fraunhofer IGD with a professorship at TU Darmstadt,? says Kuijper. ?All in the Fraunhofer spirit, this allows me to help transfer the fundamental research at the university to industrial designs.?
As a Fraunhofer cooperation professor, Kuijper will take over the newly created ?Mathematical and Applied Visual Computing? (MAVC) department. Visual computing is a type of computer science which is strongly represented in Darmstadt. It describes image- and model-based computer science and includes computer graphics and computer vision, as well as virtual and augmented reality. Simply put, visual computing involves designing images from information and extracting information from images.
About Arjan Kuijper
Arjan Kuijper studied at the Institute for Applied Mathematics of Twente University and obtained a doctorate from the Institute for Computer Science and Mathematics of Utrecht University in 2002. From 2003 to 2005, he was Assistant Research Professor at IT University of Copenhagen and joined the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics (RICAM) in Linz, Austria, as the Head of Research in 2005, before joining Fraunhofer IGD in Darmstadt in 2008.
In 2009, he completed his post-doctoral qualification at the Technical University of Graz in Austria, and has been a private lecturer at the Institute for Computer Graphics and Vision (ICG) of TU Graz since then. In 2010, he was requalified at TU Darmstadt as well. He is the author of more than 200 publications.
His research interests include all aspects of mathematically-based methods for computer vision, graphics, interaction, and visualization. Currently, Kuijper explores the possibilities of using partial differential equations for image and shape analysis.

Fraunhofer IGD is the world–s leading institute for applied research in Visual Computing. Visual Computing is image- and model-based information technology and includes computer graphics and computer vision, as well as virtual and augmented reality.
In simple terms, the Fraunhofer researchers in Darmstadt, Rostock, Graz, and Singapore are turning images into information and extracting information from images. In cooperation with its partners, technical solutions and market-relevant products are created.
Prototypes and integrated solutions are developed in accordance with customized requirements. In doing so, Fraunhofer IGD places users at the forefront, providing them with technical solutions to facilitate computer work and make it more efficient.
Owing to its numerous innovations, Fraunhofer IGD raises man-machine interaction to a new level. Man is able to work in a more result-oriented and effective way by means of the computer and visual-computing developments. Fraunhofer IGD has more than 200 employees and budget amounts over 19 million euros.

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