Fotonika has a total of 20 years hands-on experience in cleanroom processes and microfabrication of
• UV-IR (SWIR-to-VLWIR) discrete sensors and up to megapixel focal plane arrays: AlGaN/GaN, HgCdTe, InGaAs, QWIP, T2SLS
• High power GaAs based lasers
• InGaN/GaN light emitting diodes
• High power GaN based transistors (HEMTs)
• High voltage SiC diodes
and similar compound semiconductor optoelectronic devices. Currently engaged with multiple contracts for process development and application support in the related fields, Fotonika simultaneously pursues research and development activities as well as provides infrastructure solutions with SENTECH Instruments.
Fotonika now supports users of the Turkish and Middle East region to adapt the SENTECH equipment in their process flow or even for setting up a new research infrastructure from scratch. Fotonika provides guidance as well at each step of a unit research cycle, starting from epitaxial growth (MBE/MOCVD) up to electro-optical characterization of devices.
Besides featuring the application support for the Turkish and Middle East region, Fotonika is able to offer complete solutions including facility requirements of your SENTECH equipment (e.g. gas cabins, piping for dangerous/toxic gasses and alarm systems). Having its staff consisting of experienced researchers, Fotonika is familiar with researcher’s needs and their workflow.
SENTECH is looking forward to a great cooperation with Fotonika. If you need consultation on SENTECH products in Turkey or the Middle East region please contact Dr. Yetkin Arslan.
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