Hand in hand for reliable load and performance tests: imbus banks on the tool NeoLoad from its new international partner Neotys

„With this cooperation we have created a powerful competence pool“, explains Tilo Linz, executive board member and co-founder of imbus. On the one hand there is Neotys, one of the world-wide leading manufacturers of easy-to-use, cost-effective load and performance testing tools for Web and mobile applications. On the other hand we’ve got imbus, which has been for more than 20 years one of the strongest service providers and consulting companies in the field of software quality assurance and testing.
All imbus testing services can not only be executed by request at the customer‘s premises, but also as a near-shore solution in the imbus TestCentre. It is furnished with all common types of mobile and installed devices and operating systems. Thus, the imbus experts are capable to simulate and test the most different user scenarios.
From now on, imbus also employs NeoLoad for load and performance testing at its TestCentre. With the tool, the user activity can be simulated and the server behavior observed. NeoLoad can be used for business applications, mobile, cloud, Web etc.
Thibaud Bussière, president and co-founder of Neotys: “We know, NeoLoad is in the most competent hands in the imbus TestCentre. Perhaps you want to inform yourself directly about our tool’s possibilities? We will be at the Software-QS-Tag in Nuremberg, Germany, on 5th and 6th November and glad to answer your individual questions.”

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