Plunet BusinessManager Version 6.1 Released

Berlin, Germany, April 29 2015 – The new release features a number of innovative new functions, in the areas of resource planning, order item management, and the resource and customer portal. Along with a comprehensive improvement to the entire user experience. The new version is a logical continuation of Plunet–s translation management solution, and once again includes various implementations requested by customers.

Step-by-Step Quote Request & Assignment Procedure in the Customer Portal

Plunet version 6.1 includes a comprehensive enhancement of the customer portal with new, state-of-the-art interface components and the functional expansion of various existing elements, making the solution even more focused on the fulfillment of customer requirements. A new and intuitive step-by-step navigation for project requests has been implemented, making orientation easier. This allows for leading the customer from start to finish through the entire request procedure, including the functionality to go back and forth through the steps to modify information. Fine-tuning setting options allow for an individual adaptation in the step by step request procedure. Individual fields can be set to be mandatory or hidden, depending on requirement. Project managers can define customer specific workflows. Their customers can then choose these in the step request. Therefore, process automation can now begin at the time of initial project request.

Quickly Accessible Overview of Resource Workload

Resource workload is a new feature in Plunet 6.1, which offers significant improvements in the area of resource planning and steering. The central summary view provides project managers with a detailed overview of the current workload of every resource, including the number of outstanding jobs, relevant delivery deadlines, and the current percentage of completion. The internal “Planned time” feature allows Plunet to determine progress and predict the remaining time needed for job completion. Planned time is calculated automatically, and updated continuously based on progress. Project managers can therefore quickly recognize critical bottlenecks, and allocate additional resources depending on workload and deadline requirements.

Usability – Improvements in the Order Item Management

The order item management area also received some significant improvements. The actual operating concept was overhauled and simplified, which resulted in an overall improvement in performance: Multiple interactions no longer trigger a refresh, which allows for more fluid working conditions. Individual items and price units can now be created, moved, displayed or hidden, and even deleted quickly and directly. Any changes in price lists are recalculated automatically on the fly. A new pagination feature in the quote, order, and invoice items now simplifies navigation, increases transparency, and will prove to be particularly useful for large projects with many individual order items. Plunet version 6.1 now furthermore allows the copy/pasting of items across orders, which will make order creation even more flexible and significantly faster.

Intuitive User Guidance for Job Acceptance in the Resource Portal

The new Plunet 6.1 version also includes further usability improvements and a revision of the job acceptance procedure in the resource portal. The acceptance function is now positioned right in the middle of the job details description, which further clarifies and simplifies the procedure for the resource.

What Else is New in Plunet 6.1?

+++ Faster logging of collective invoices for items in sub-projects +++ Simplified language selection via tag boxes +++ Advanced read/write authorization for internal resources +++ Relay language option for order creation +++ Automatic determination of GUI language, based on preferred browser language detection +++ Gross profit calculation for language combinations +++ Reliable and exact delivery tracking +++ Customization of various trigger events for follow-up jobs in automated workflows +++ Task prioritization for contacts, quotes, orders, and invoices

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