SENTECH Seminar on Plasma Process Technology 2015

The contributions by invited speakers and SENTECH specialists covered all relevant topics from (ICP-)RIE – over (IC-)PECVD to (PE-)ALD processing. The following will summarise the hot topics of the SENTECH seminar on plasma process technology.
One of the most interesting applications on the field of ALD is the deposition of very thin, conformal functional layers. Mr. Daniel Kasemann from TU Dresden has given a very interesting overview about the development of very dense Al2O3 barrier layers for OLED devices.
SENTECH introduced its innovative ALD Real Time Monitor, a tool that allows the very precise monitoring of ALD processes and layers. Due to the very rapid measurement time (40 ms) and extraordinary sub-Angstom precision, the layer thickness during an ALD processes can be measured in real time, allowing the adjustment of the ALD parameters during the processes.
Mr. Yuqing Jiao of Nanolab @ TU Eindhoven has presented his results on a RIE process for 400 nm wide InP mono mode wave guides with low roughness, smooth and nearly verticals sidewalls. The achieved selectivity of the nitride mask to InP exceeds 100.
Finally, the participants of the seminar were invited to visit SENTECH’s application laboratories and manufacturing facility. The participants especially liked the presentation of the user-friendly software.
The invited speakers and participants contributed to the success of the seminar on plasma process technology in 2015. Hence, SENTECH is going to organize further seminars dedicated to SENTECH Plasma Process Technology. The presentations and information are available by SENTECH upon request.
Next SENTECH seminar will take place on June 18, 2015 in Stuttgart and will cover the application field of thin film characterization. You can receive further information on upcoming seminar through contacting us.

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