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Never before has a PUR specialist conference been so political!? The FSK will host conference in the ?old Bundestag?

For the first time the Specialist Association Foamed Plastics and Polyurethanes is inviting guests to the old Bundestag in Bonn to a Polyurethane Specialist Conference on 16th and 17th September 2015. ?It goes without saying that in inviting the PU industry to such a historic location a political debate is simply a must? stated FSK Chairman of the Board, Albrecht Manderscheid, in reference to this year?s orientation for the traditional FSK conference. Thus being, the FSK is expecting prominent speakers for discussions on current environmental issues.
The political discussion will be framed by technical lectures held by distinguished speakers of the industry. Topics surrounding special plastics, ranging from PUR foams in automobiles, automated PUR shoe production, over optimized production facilities for refrigerator doors to lightweight design with polyurethane.
The World Conference Centre Bonn, as the old Bundestag has been called now for several years, was chosen by the FSK for the first day of the conference since this year the specialist conference is being hosted together with the polyurethane machinery manufacturer Hennecke. The second day of the conference will be held at Hennecke and, along with the technical lectures, will be brought to life with demonstrations by the Technical Centre.
The FSK is once again expecting over 250 representatives of the polyurethane industry for the specialist conference. This industry specialist conference is also often attended by colleges and students.
For more information regarding the FSK and the program for the specialist conference please contact the FSK in Stuttgart: on the website www.fsk-vsv.de, by phone at +49 (0)711-993 751 0, in writing to FSK e. V., Stammheimerstr. 35, 70435 Stuttgart or by e-mail to fsk@fsk-vsv.de.

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