New Book: Talent Valuation Explores Accelerating Market Capitalization Through Strategic Human Resource Investments

ATLANTA, GA — (Marketwired) — 04/14/15 — Quantifying the return on human resource investments has been an elusive metric until now. In the new book, , authors Thomas McGuire and Linda Brenner draw upon their expertise working for and consulting to Fortune 500 companies in the improvement and measurement of talent quality. The result is a robust framework for identifying the talent that drives the most value in a company, and in turn, the roadmap to prioritizing and measuring the return on HR investments.

Talent Valuation clearly defines the dominant impact intellectual capital has had on the value of businesses and its dependence on people. “With the exception of human capital, all intellectual capital is, in fact, inert,” commented McGuire. “It cannot sustain itself, grow or evolve. A brand, patent or proprietary process or technology accumulates over time and depends solely on the output of the –active– component of intellectual capital: the human capital.”

Brenner added, “When armed with the right tools, the human resources function is capable of leading change. Our experience shows that the development and evolution of a measurable talent strategy that supports the company–s business plan for growth is arguably the singular vision of a new breed of human capital professionals. Not only are organizations learning that the only metric that matters is talent quality, but they–re also improving business outcomes by increasing their focus on the importance of the HR function.”

McGuire concluded, “The majority of value created in any company involves its workforce. And, within each workforce, certain roles are more critical; the investment in those roles needs to correspond. For example, a research scientist who can influence and collaborate as a team member in the pharmaceutical industry is likely critical talent in a critical role. Without the proper level of talent valuation analysis, a pharmaceutical firm may not invest proportionately enough in this role vis-a-vis others, sub-optimizing its return on human capital investment. Talent valuation analysis is the one measure that never fails to uncover what–s truly important to the overall health of a business.”

McGuire was CFO for Revlon, Inc. and Global Talent Acquisition Director for The Coca-Cola Company prior to his current position as Talent Strategy Practice Lead for . Brenner, Designs on Talent–s managing director and founder, led talent acquisition and talent management teams for Gap, Pepsi and The Home Depot. Today, they leverage their expertise to help companies design and implement measurable talent strategies.

Published by Pearson, Talent Valuation is available through at: .

Designs on Talent is an Atlanta-based HR consulting firm founded in 2004. The firm specializes in talent strategy development, talent acquisition process improvement, and TA and HR skills assessment and development. The firm–s clients range from small, U.S.-based companies to global consumer brands, such as Coca-Cola, Expedia, L–Oreal, Chick-fil-A and Turner Broadcasting. Our principals led talent acquisition, talent management and finance for Fortune 500 organizations prior to banding together to form this unique consulting firm focused on improving talent results for our clients. For more information about Designs on Talent, please visit or follow us on Twitter: .

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