(arvato Systems) Gütersloh/Cologne – arvato Systems continues to expand its TV and new media consultancy and software solutions activities beyond European boundaries. International trade shows such as CABSAT and the upcoming NAB Show in Las Vegas are the ideal platforms to present a customized solution portfolio. arvato Systems IT solutions are built so that TV, Production and Media organisations are able to respond to the challenges of digital transformation. From April 13 – 16, at NAB 2015, we will present our range of tools and services for Broadcast and Media.
The challenges which TV and Media organizations face through digital transformation are similar across continents. Successful workflow management means today that linear and non-linear processes in areas such as Media Asset Management, Rights Management, Program Planning and Advertising Sales, must be brought together. This applies to the European as well as the North American TV and Media industry.
It is just this area that arvato Systems is focused on. The Toronto-based arvato Systems team, experts in the area of digital transformation, moved into new premises at the beginning of the year, ready for further growth. The new location boasts not only flexible office space and the latest technology, but also a location that enables arvato Systems to be much closer to our customers. The New York office has also shown its readiness for the future with a move to a new location.
The arvato Systems team for NAB 2015 has brought experts from all over the world together in one place, so as to be able to offer customers and prospects precisely the kind of information and advice they are looking for. From April 13-16 at Stand SU7821 in the South Upper Hall visitors have the opportunity to get to know exactly all about the areas of our solution portfolio which respond to the requirements of the TV and Media industry.
Our focus will be especially on:
• New: Collaborative Editing
arvato Systems‘ new EditMate application enables professional project management and collaborative working for different Adobe Premiere Pro CC users and editing seats. .
• Media Asset Management
For optimal workflow management within the digital value chain, various Media Asset Management systems are available. VPMS and Avamio ensure that all media and their metadata are in the right place at the right time.
• Studio Production
For content generation, capture and playout, arvato Systems Studio Production tool ClipJOCKEY provides a professional Ingest and Playout tool for TV broadcasters and Production houses.
• IPM/Rights Management
Customers rely on Avatega and Avatega On Demand to manage centralized information and workflows – including program scheduling, contract and rights management – for all types of distribution platform.
• Cross Media Sales
Advertisers and agencies insist on cross-media campaigns. The media sales solutions AdStore and S4AdSales help media companies with their effective implementation. S4AdOpt is also used for optimization of advertising inventory and to schedule spots.
• Media Research
Avaresco is able to bring together, prepare and analyse all types of TV ratings information. The success of media content can measured and presented quickly, transparently and in the way you want to see it.
The success of a media enterprise, in a world of digital transformation, doesn’t depend on the best migration of specific areas. The key factors is to find a way of linking all the core areas together in a collaborative, coherent and fully cross-media way. Making this possible is the arvato Systems media solutions mission.
Learn more about us and what we do during the NAB Show in Las Vegas from April 13-16 at Stand SU7821 or online at www.arvato-systems.com
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