Cambashi Market Snapshots — A New and Affordable Way to Access Cambashi Market Observatory Datasets

CAMBRIDGE, UNITED KINGDOM — (Marketwired) — 03/17/15 — Cambashi, a leading global industry analyst and market consulting firm, today announced its Market Snapshot program. This provides market data charts of user specified criteria based on market data & research into technical applications software from Cambashi. Technical applications covers software used in manufacturing (CAD/CAM/CAE and PLM), architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) and geospatial (GIS) applications.

The Market Snapshots provide an affordable short cut to understanding market sizes and trends that support more informed business decisions. The Market Snapshot program allows users to select from up to 18 different charts each of which presents the chosen data slice and combination of market size, vendor/product revenues, industry, employment data and multi-year trends.

The Market Snapshot program is designed to provide focused data access and affordable insight into different aspects of the Technical Applications Software market with typical costs well below comprehensive market reports and data subscription fees.

This service allows you to select a chart type and the data you want. Data is extracted from the current Observatory datasets, formatted as an image of the chosen chart, and delivered ready for you to use — to study, to discuss with colleagues, to embed in documents, to plan strategies, to make decisions and take action.

Cambashi Market Observatory data spans 60 countries; 112 industry segments; euros, USD and local currency; 8 years; 65 product lines; and over 100 employment categories. Cambashi Market Snapshots deliver the slice your project needs in charts that are easy to use and understand.

Cambashi, a leading industry analyst and marketing consulting firm, researches current user practice, technology issues and market trends and applies the findings and insights to help IT product and service providers improve their sales and marketing strategies, tactics and activities. Cambashi is based in Cambridge in the UK and Framingham, MA in the US and its in-house expertise is supplemented by a network of partners and associates throughout the UK, Europe, the USA and Japan.

The information in this press release is from a wide variety of sources that represent the best information available to Cambashi Limited. This report includes our interpretation of information in the public domain or released by responsible officers in relevant organisations. Some information is from sources we cannot verify. We survey judgement samples, and results are not statistically significant unless so stated. Cambashi Limited cannot guarantee that the report is accurate or complete. Information changes with time. The analysis, opinions and estimates in this report reflect our judgements as of writing but are subject to change without notice. Cambashi Limited shall not be liable for any loss or injury resulting from use of this information. All company name and product trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Cambashi Limited may have a consulting relationship with a company being reported on. It is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Cambashi Limited, its staff, their families and associates may or may not have a position in or with respect to any securities mentioned herein.

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Valerie Harding
Ripple Effect Communications


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