Burger Fiction Shows Users 25 Interesting Places to Stick Their GoPro Cameras


The YouTube channel of Burger Fiction has yet again come out with another interesting video, showing its users and subscribers a host of interesting places where they can stick their GoPro device. A GoPro device is HD personal camera that can be used for multiple purposes. it is small, portable and can be places anywhere, from your front door to a drone, and this video shows users some interesting ways by which such a camera can be placed in different (unconventional) locations.

This fun video edited brilliantly and accompanied with music from BlueFoxMusic (Life is Good) shows different unconventional places where they can stick their GoPro device, 25 places to be exact. These places include the inside of a letter box, the handle of a chainsaw, on your showerhead, in the bottom of a glass, on the fan, a car’s windscreen wiper, on top of a door and many more.

The point is to create an illusion that will leave users awestruck and allow them to look at standard and ordinary things in their lives from a completely new perspective. The high video and image quality of the GoPro camera also adds to the appeal of the experience. This video is more interesting than random because of the unconventional perspectives of everyday items and locations that is brought about by the strategic placement of the GoPro camera.

This popular YouTube channel of BurgerFiction.com has been created by Andy Schneider and Jonathan Britnell, and they have over 250 subscribers and over 140,000 views till date. Because of their interesting videos and brilliant compilations and tutorials, most of their videos have gone viral on the internet, with users finding new, fun and innovative ways to make use of their daily items.

For more information, please watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8GZgcS0PcR0

Website – http://www.burgerfiction.com
Twitter – twitter.com/burgerfiction
Email- burgerfiction@gmail.com


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