Out of the ivory tower

Darmstadt professor and Fraunhofer director is bringing the European Academy to Germany. For one week, from September 7 through 10, 2015, Darmstadt will be Europe–s center of science.
The Academia Europaea is one of Europe–s most renowned scientific institutions. Founded in 1988, the association assembles among its members distinguished researchers, including Nobel Prize winners. The association–s goal is to improve and promote public understanding of science. In September 2015, the European Academy – ten years after its last stay in Germany – will be visiting Darmstadt. This was made possible by Dieter W. Fellner, computer science professor at TU Darmstadt and head of Fraunhofer IGD. “I am very happy that Darmstadt was chosen this year,” says Fellner. “The annual conference of Academia Europaea is in very good hands in Darmstadt, in our City of Science.”
The representatives of the various disciplines will have discussions under the heading “Symbiosis – Synergies of Man and Technologies.” With active support provided by TU Darmstadt and Fraunhofer, Europe–s largest organization for applied research, the conference looks set to be a special event. “The Academia Europaea is currently seeking to open its annual conference to the interested public even more than before and to spread their findings out of the ivory tower and into the world,” explains Fellner.
The conference theme is an apt choice, especially in our hypertechnological society. In addition to the purely technical issues on the future options of man-machine interaction, light should also be shed on the social and medical consequences. “I am looking forward to the interdisciplinary exchange,” says Fellner. “The annual meeting of the European Academy provides even the most experienced researcher with ever new perspectives and findings.”

Fraunhofer IGD is the world–s leading institute for applied research in visual computing. Visual computing is image- and model-based information technology and includes computer graphics, computer vision, as well as virtual and augmented reality.
In simple terms, the Fraunhofer researchers in Darmstadt, Rostock, Graz and Singapore are turning image into information and extracting information from images. In corporation with its partners, technical solutions and market-relevant products are created.
Prototypes and integrated solutions are developed in accordance with customized requirements. In doing so, Fraunhofer IGD places users at the forefront, providing them with technical solutions to facilitate computer work and make it more efficient.
Owing to its numerous innovations, Fraunhofer IGD raises man-machine interaction to a new level. Man is able to work in a more result-oriented and effective way by means of the computer and visual-computing developments.
Fraunhofer IGD has more than 200 employees. The budget amounts over 17 million Euro.

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