Non-Functional Testing in the limelight: Call for papers for Software-QS-Tag 2015 is out now

Conference contributions about the tasks and challenges of Non-Functional Testing are sought, just as contributions about current techniques, tools and best practices. Whether it is performance efficiency, usability, reliability, (cyber) security, maintainability and changeability or portability and compatibility: the contributions should present one or more of these quality characteristics and fitting test procedures in detail.
Or alternatively they refer to Non-Functional Testing as a whole and show how it can be worked out for mobile applications or embedded systems. Or they explain how successful test management, test data and test environment management for Non-Functional Testing can look like.
Till 29th May 2015 testing experts have the possibility to apply as speakers. Presentations can be submitted and held in German or English.
The Software-QS-Tag takes place in Nuremberg on 5th and 6th November 2015. It has established itself as leading conference for software quality assurance and testing in Germany. Every time with a new challenging key issue running like a golden thread through all slots of the conference.

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