Trifacta Tackles –Extreme– Data Wrangling With Six Presentations at Strata + Hadoop World 2015

SAN JOSE, CA — (Marketwired) — 02/11/15 — Trifacta, a leading Data Transformation Platform provider, today announced that it will headline six different sessions at the Strata + Hadoop World 2015 Conference on Thursday, Feb. 19 and Friday, Feb. 20, 2015.

4:50pm-5:30pm PT
Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015
230 B

On Thursday, Feb. 19, Josh Byrd, manager of data architecture at GoPro, and Darren Chinen, head of data science and engineering at GoPro, will discuss how they architected GoPro–s data infrastructure and analytics environment to empower their data analysts. The discussion will cover the GoPro data strategy and how solutions like Trifacta allow their data scientists to become the big data heroes of extreme sports.

9:50am-10:00am PT
Friday, Feb. 20, 2015
Grand Ballroom 220

Jeffrey Heer, Trifacta chief experience officer (CXO) and head of the Interactive Data Lab at University of Washington has been invited to participate in the main stage event keynote on Friday morning. Heer will take the stage in a session titled, “Charting a Path Forward: The Future of Data Visualization.” Dr. Heer is an expert in human-computer interaction, and a co-creator of advanced open source visualization tools including D3.js and Vega.

11:30am-12:10pm PT
Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015
LL20 A

Joe Hellerstein, chief strategy officer of Trifacta and Chancellor–s Professor of Computer Science at University of California, Berkeley, will join Adam Silberstein, lead software engineer at Trifacta to discuss leveraging data profiling in a session titled, “Agile Data Profiling in the Big Data Era.” Dr. Hellerstein and Dr. Silberstein were early collaborators at Trifacta, adapting the software from its roots in the Stanford University Data Wrangler project.

10:40am-11:20am PT
Thursday, Feb. 19, 2015

Wei Zheng, VP of products at Trifacta will join representatives from Canaan Partners, Palantir Technologies, WibiData, ScalingData and Havas Media in a panel discussion titled, “Hiding the Elephant – How Big Data Apps Make Magic While Hiding Hadoop.” They will discuss how technology is being rapidly adopted and changing the way organizations think about the value of technology from a narrow perspective to the bigger picture. A serial entrepreneur, Ms. Zheng is a leader in big data, data integration and data virtualization technology, currently guiding the implementation of product philosophy at Trifacta.

10:40am-11:20am PT
Friday, Feb. 20, 2015
LL21 B

Trifacta head data scientist, Dr. Tye Rattenbury, and Seshadri Mahalingam, from the data preparation engineering team, will join Dr. Heer on Friday to lead a session on design and interfaces at the event. The session, “Architecting Interfaces that Learn,” will reveal the philosophies that drive intelligent interface design and how that design philosophy influences implementation.

12:15pm-12:25pm PT
Friday, Feb. 20, 2015
Solutions Showcase Theater

In the Solutions Showcase on Friday, Sean Ma, director of product management at Trifacta will talk about the key concepts that have been born from the experience of Trifacta clients. Trifacta–s customers explore a wide range of data wrangling use case in their own big data environments, from large-scale social media applications to fraud and risk analysis in financial services.

Trifacta representatives will feature product demonstrations, giveaways and explain how key clients utilize its technology at the event in booth #823. More information on Trifacta participation at the conference can be found at:

San Jose Convention Center
150 West San Carlos St.
San Jose, CA 95113

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Trifacta, the pioneer in data transformation, significantly enhances the value of an enterprise–s Big Data by enabling users to easily transform raw, complex data into clean and structured formats for analysis. Leveraging decades of innovative work in human-computer interaction, scalable data management and machine learning, Trifacta–s unique technology creates a partnership between user and machine, with each side learning from the other and becoming smarter with experience. Trifacta is backed by Accel Partners, Greylock Partners, and Ignition Partners.

Nolan Necoechea for Trifacta

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