Ensuring Security for the Internet of Things: secucloud named as Finalist in CeBIT Innovation Award “CODE_n”

German security firm present as one of the top innovators in the prestigious CODE_n hall at this year–s CeBIT

Hamburg, Germany. 3 February 2015 – Digitalisation continues to spread almost unabated in all areas of our lives – not only in the business and industrial sectors, but also in our private sphere. The increasing connectivity of everyday devices helps users with practical automation and more efficient processes. However, this global trend also makes demands on national businesses – they need to demonstrate innovation capabilities that can keep pace with strong international competitors on the Internet of Things (IoT) market. To promote the most innovative ideas in this area, the innovation platform CODE_n has chosen “Into the Internet of Things” as this year–s theme for its annual award. The German security provider secucloud, which has been named as a finalist, will be participating for the first time at the renowned hi-tech exhibition CeBIT on 16-20 March in Hall 16. After just a few years, the CODE_n competition attracts over 1100 candidates from more than 60 countries and has become established as one of the most important international awards for young companies.
In order to cover the broadest possible IoT spectrum, this year–s award has been divided into four areas: Future Mobility, Smart City, Industry 4.0 and Digital Life. The latter is becoming very popular with the emergence of solutions around the smart home and wearables. Yet the mass of data collected and processed by all these appliances is lucrative and easy prey for cyber-criminals and hackers. With the array of different technologies and operating systems involved, users need a new approach to protect their devices. This is what secucloud provides: centralised protection that can be used in everyday life. The cloud-based security system protects a user–s entire internet traffic – regardless of type or running system – from data theft and criminal activities with no need for any software installation. With its nomination as a finalist in the CODE_n competition, secucloud is now positioned as one of the eight best ideas in the Digital Life category.
Presentation of finalists at CeBIT 2015
Over the last few months, start-ups from over 40 countries have been submitting their innovative business ideas in the hope of winning this year–s award. A jury of well-known personalities – including experts from leading companies like Salesforce, EnBW and Ernst & Young as well as journalists from the business magazine Wirtschaftswoche and the German daily paper Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung – selected the 50 most promising ideas that then went forward into the last round of the competition. All the finalists will have the opportunity to present their innovative business ideas to trade visitors in the CODE_n Hall 16 at this year–s CeBIT from 16 to 20 March in Hanover. The winner of the CODE_n award 2015 will be announced in the same hall on Wednesday 18 March. The competition comes with a cash prize of 30,000.
In the general euphoria surrounding IoT, it–s easy to overlook the dark side of these technologies – ranging from intellectual property theft and targeted attacks through to loss of privacy, fraud and criminal damage to property,” explains Dennis Monner, founder and CEO of secucloud. “This is why people need a new approach that effectively protects all types of communication from unauthorised access by third parties – regardless of the device being used. As a provider of a comprehensive new security concept, we–re obviously very pleased to be one of the finalists among the most promising IoT business ideas. The nomination gives us a unique opportunity to showcase our concept to an audience of media representatives as well as potential partners and investors at this year–s CeBIT, one of the largest technology shows in the world. We–ll be using this opportunity to develop valuable contacts for the ongoing development of our company.”

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