SENTECH Seminar on “Plasma Process Technology”

SENTECH Seminar on “Plasma Process Technology” focusses on application of ICPECVD, PEALD, RIE, DRIE and cryogenic etching by SENTECH plasma systems. Hot topics are the deposition of thin silicon films for TFT manufacturing, the deposition of very thin PEALD layers for organic electronics, and etching of indium phosphide, of sapphire, and gallium nitride for microelectronics. Please download the full program here: Program SENTECH Plasma Seminar.
SENTECH is going to introduce innovations like the SIPAR system combining PEALD and ICPECVD in one reactor and the new ALD Real Time Monitor for high-resolution in situ monitoring.
After the SENTECH Seminar participants are invited to visit SENTECH application laboratories and production facilities. We are looking forward to welcome you at SENTECH!
The SENTECH Seminar on “Plasma Process Technology” takes place at SENTECH Instruments, Schwarzschildstraße 2, Berlin Adlershof, on Thursday, March 05th, 2015. Please register for the SENTECH Plasma Seminar at our homepage using the registration form.
For further information please call: +49 89 8979607-0

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