Silver Nanoislands grown by Atomic Layer Deposition

Optimizing atomic layer deposition processes with SENTECHs newly launched ALD Real Time Monitor was introduced to the German nanotechnology society. This innovative tool features in situ measurement with 40 ms time resolution and a user-friendly software integration into the SENTECH atomic layer deposition system.

SENTECHs presentation focussed on monitoring silver nanoislands growth by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition using SENTECH ALD. The growth of the silver islands was in situ monitored by the ALD Real Time Monitor, which allows thickness measurements with a sampling time of 40 ms. Dr Irina Kärkkänen, ALD specialist of SENTECH presented the results of the investigations by SENTECH ALD team. “High precision of the measurements and ultra-fast response of the ALD Real Time Monitor allow monitoring of single atomic layer deposition steps. Hence, the process is efficiently optimized in respect to precursor pulse, precursor purge, plasma pulse, and plasma purge. The optimized process parameters lead to silver nanoislands as confirmed by the SEM image.” She concludes: “The ALD Real Time Monitor is a powerful system for in situ process monitoring.”

The ALD Real Time Monitor is perfectly suited for optimized process development, e.g. silver nanoislands growth by plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition. Contact us for more information:

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