Next Generation YotaPhone Now in Production With Cypress–s TrueTouch Gen5 Controllers Driving Front and Back Touchscreen Displays

SAN JOSE, CA — (Marketwired) — 12/15/14 — Yota Devices today announced its “always-on” premium Android YotaPhone is now in production with both displays powered by from Cypress Semiconductor Corp. (NASDAQ: CY). Cypress–s TMA568 controller delivers advanced multi-touch functionality to the AMOLED display, while the TMA545 controls YotaPhone–s second electronic paper display. Officially launched at a Yota Devices– event in Moscow today, the next generation YotaPhone leverages Gen5 by adding the market–s most accurate gloved finger tracking and most robust water tolerance to both displays, while also contributing to the phone–s thin design and long battery life.

YotaPhone–s always-on display gives users continual access to maps, social media content, alerts and other information people want for extended periods of time, without having to wake up their phone. The electronic paper display leverages Gen5–s low power consumption to preserve the smartphone–s battery life. The TMA568 controller supports an ultra-thin on-cell stackup for the front screen, made possible by the Gen5 family–s unmatched immunity to electrical noise from displays.

“We introduced the YotaPhone dual-screen usage model with a vision to revolutionize how people use their smartphones,” said Yota Devices CEO Vladislav Martynov. “The launch of the next generation YotaPhone takes the –always-on– smartphone concept to another level, with industry-leading touchscreen performance enabled by Cypress–s TrueTouch Gen5 solutions.”

“The launch of the next generation dual-screen YotaPhone is yet another example of the world–s most innovative handset makers selecting our TrueTouch Gen5 family for their premium models,” said Hassane El-Khoury, executive vice president of the Programmable Systems Division at Cypress. “This new YotaPhone shows both the versatility and feature rich performance Gen5 delivers. We are constantly driving to help our customers improve the user experience of their touchscreens, as demonstrated with our announcement of additional advanced features to the Gen5 TMA568 controller.”

Cypress also announced that its TrueTouch Gen5 TMA568 controller now supports gloved-finger tracking, 1-mm passive stylus, and a hover feature that enables touchscreens to anticipate the touch of a finger and enlarge content to make it easier to find and select objects.

Electronic noise from displays and after-market chargers can disrupt a touchscreen–s ability to operate properly. The TrueTouch Gen5 family–s ChargerArmor feature delivers unprecedented 40 volt peak-to-peak (Vpp) charger noise immunity measured from 1 to 500 kHz with an ultra-thin 0.5-mm cover lens and a finger-size up to 22 mm — the most stringent specifications used to measure any touchscreen controller. No competing controllers deliver noise immunity over 15 Vpp under these conditions.

With Cypress–s unique and patented DualSense technology to execute both self-capacitance and mutual-capacitance measurements in the same device, the Gen5 family offers the industry–s best waterproofing for seamless performance in real-world conditions, including the presence of rain, condensation, or sweat. By combining this powerful architecture with an industry leading 32-bit ARM® Cortex M-Core processor that is known for high-efficiency MIPS/mW, Gen5 controllers boast 120-Hz refresh rates and low power consumption. Gen5 controllers drive the touchscreen at 10V and at high frequency with narrow-band, single-pass scanning and advanced hardware DSP filtering.

Cypress–s touch-sensing portfolio is the industry–s broadest and most well-adopted, encompassing TrueTouch, CapSense®, and TrackPad solutions. The company–s unmatched IP portfolio is backed by more than 100 capacitive touch-sensing patents. The IP includes true, single-layer sensor solutions with Cypress–s Single-Layer Independent Multi-touch (SLIM®) sensor for dramatically reduced touchscreen costs. Additional TrueTouch information is available at .

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Yota Devices is a private company dedicated to developing and producing high-tech consumer LTE devices, including smartphones, modems and routers. The company gained international prominence with the introduction of YotaPhone, the world–s first dual-screen, always-on smartphone, which was named the Best of CES 2013 by CNET. YotaPhone went on sale in five countries in December 2013 and will expand to15 other CIS, European and Middle Eastern markets in Q1 2014. Yota Devices is also well known for producing fast, reliable portable LTE modems and routers. The company has sold nearly 4 million connectivity devices since its first products went on the market in 2009. The company–s headquarters are located in Moscow with offices in Finland, Germany and Singapore.
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Cypress delivers high-performance, mixed-signal, programmable solutions that provide customers with rapid time-to-market and exceptional system value. Cypress offerings include the flagship PSoC® 1, PSoC 3, PSoC 4 and PSoC 5LP programmable system-on-chip families. Cypress is the world leader in capacitive user interface solutions including CapSense touch sensing, TrueTouch touchscreens, and trackpad solutions for notebook PCs and peripherals. Cypress is a world leader in USB controllers, which enhance connectivity and performance in a wide range of consumer and industrial products. Cypress is also the world leader in SRAM and nonvolatile RAM memories. Cypress serves numerous major markets, including consumer, mobile handsets, computation, data communications, automotive, industrial and military. Cypress trades on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the ticker symbol CY. Visit Cypress online at .

Cypress, the Cypress logo, TrueTouch, SLIM, PSoC and CapSense are registered trademarks and ChargerArmor and DualSense are trademarks of Cypress Semiconductor Corp. All other trademarks are property of their owners.

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