IXI-PCS Certified for bintec elmeg hybird

IXI-PCS has been certified for the connection to bintec elmeg hybird 120/130 and 300/600. serVonic has tested its CTI-server extensively and successfully. “Our professional call server IXI-PCS is based on the TAPI-standard,” explains Jochen Klein, CEO at serVonic. “We tested features like initiating calls, call transfer or disconnect, for example, as well as hotkey dialing, caller identification and search options.” Jochen Bräunlein, Director Distribution D/A/CH at bintec elmeg, adds: “We are glad that with IXI-PCS, we can recommend a product to our customers, which – as well as our communication solutions hybird 120/130 and 300/600 – is professional and cost-effective.“ Both companies also agree upon a further expansion of their long-term partnership.

IXI-PCS is client/server software that connects current PBX’s with the IT-possibilities and that provides real-time features not only at the desktop. A lot of the IXI-PCS features can also be used from on the way, via smartphone, table-PC or web browser. The professional call server supports multiple platforms: Clients for Windows, Mac OS X or Linux are available. The IXI-PCS motto “More Contents – A Package Full of UC” sums up the one-server concept: One server, one price, full range of performance. When a customer buys IXI-PCS, he automatically receives a full package: All the features, connections, client-variants as well as the RCC Gateway for Microsoft Lync, PBX-support and the Meta Directory are contained. serVonic provides a free 60 days trial version of IXI-PCS: http://www.servonic.com/en/unified-communication/cti/ixi-pcs/ixi-pcs-trial-version/.

bintec elmeg hybird 120 and 130 are convergent communication solutions for up to 30 users. They provide professional features for business telephony, IP-routing and WLAN in one system. The integrated internet access via xDSL, the LAN-management as well as the IP-telephony solution offer high investment protection for increasing requirements. The hybird 300 or 600 can be used for up to 120 users. The elmeg hybird systems are the first fully migrated products that have been developed on the basis of a consistent software (SW) platform. This SW platform now merges the core competences of the elmeg PBX-systems and the bintec routers / gateway products. hybird represents seamless migration of future-oriented IP-technology with “conventional” technology and supports the respective standards.

Prices and Availability
IXI-PCS is available at serVonic and sales partners for prices beginning at 393.25 Euro (plus legal VAT, if applicable). A free 60 days trial version is available at http://www.servonic.com/en/unified-communication/cti/ixi-pcs/ixi-pcs-trial-version/.

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