Try IP Before You Buy: Introducing the eSilicon(R) IP MarketPlace(TM) Environment

SAN JOSE, CA — (Marketwired) — 12/03/14 — eSilicon Corporation, a leading independent semiconductor design and manufacturing solutions provider, today announced the eSilicon® IP MarketPlace environment, the newest addition to its suite of automated online custom IC decision-making portals.

The IP MarketPlace environment helps users avoid complicated paperwork; find which memories will best help meet their chip–s power, performance or area (PPA) targets; and easily isolate key data without navigating convoluted data sheets.

Users can get immediate answers with pre-loaded data for eSilicon memory compilers and I/O libraries:

Generate dynamic, graphical analyses of power, performance and area (PPA) data

View data graphically, in table format, or download to Microsoft Excel

Build and download a complete chip memory subsystem

Generate and download IP front-end views

Make changes over time and pay for the IP when ready to tape out

The environment contains all eSilicon-developed IP across multiple foundries and technologies:

Memory compilers, including 28HPM TCAMs, four-port register files and two-port asynchronous register files

General-purpose I/O libraries from 16nm to 180nm

Specialty I/O libraries from 16nm to 180nm, including 1.8V/3.3V LVCMOS I/Os

“We wanted to simplify the comparison of results across multiple technologies, architectures and other characteristics and take the guesswork out of hitting PPA targets,” said Lisa Minwell, eSilicon–s senior director of IP product marketing. “This goes much, much deeper than IP portals that serve as IP catalogs. Using the IP MarketPlace environment, users can download front-end views, run simulations in their own environments, then come back to purchase the back-end views of the IP and I/Os that best fit their design.”

Like the rest of the eSilicon online tool suite, the IP MarketPlace environment is available at no charge or obligation. Visit the eSilicon website to find out more about the IP MarketPlace environment, the rest of our , or .

eSilicon will broadcast a live IP MarketPlace demo in January 2015. is available on the eSilicon website. Registrants will be notified of the date and time when finalized.

eSilicon, a leading independent semiconductor design and manufacturing solutions provider, delivers custom ICs and custom IP to OEMs, independent device manufacturers (IDMs), fabless semiconductor companies (FSCs) and wafer foundries through a fast, flexible, lower-risk, automated path to volume production. eSilicon serves a wide variety of markets including communications, computer, consumer, industrial products and medical. .

eSilicon — Enabling Your Silicon Success

eSilicon is a registered trademark, and the eSilicon logo, Enabling Your Silicon Success and IP MarketPlace are trademarks, of eSilicon Corporation. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Sally Slemons
eSilicon Corporation

Susan Cain
Cain Communications

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