Twin Engine Aircraft Monitoring Instruments

Let’s face it – twin engine aircraft designers and manufacturers rarely sit in the cockpit of their own aircraft and fly it. Consequently, they have little or no idea as to the effectiveness of the instruments that they install in their aircraft. Besides, with “reduce costs and increase profitability” being their motto, they tend to be very minimalistic in their approach to twin engine aircraft monitoring instruments than is good for the new aircraft owner.

Almost every new owner feels the need to either replace several of the existing twin engine aircraft monitoring instruments or add new instruments that provide vital information that helps keep the engine fine-tuned, reduce fuel bills and makes it easy for post-flight analyzes (through data logging).

J.P. Instruments; manufacturers of after-market aircraft monitoring instruments, not only provides stand-alone engine monitoring equipment, they have also lately developed engine monitoring instruments that can be integrated into MFD’s (multi-function displays).

Around 75 years ago, twin engine aircraft monitoring instruments basically meant cylinder head temperature and exhaust gas temperature indicators and even these were primitive and not 100% accurate.

Today, J.P. Instrument provides fuel flow monitors, manifold pressure and Tachometers that help analyze fuel mixture distribution, detecting maladjusted or dirty nozzles, malfunctioning carburettor floats, prop governor adjustment etc.

Other vital after-market twin engine Aircraft sensor systems monitoring instruments include Turbine Inlet Temperature monitors (for turbocharged engines), Electrical Voltage & Amperage instruments, air data, vibration data and latest technology aircraft performance sensors.

The Turbine Inlet Temperature instrument monitors the magnet timing and helps run the power plant and exhaust system more efficiently. The VOLTS & AMPS monitor provides vital information on the charging system especially for aircraft with dual alternators and dual bus electrical systems.

Twin engine Aircraft Flow Sensors monitoring instruments can immensely benefit from air data monitors that help monitor vital statistics such as OAT, IAS, ALT and ROC. Vibration data monitor are also a new development and could help detect structural fatigue before it becomes dangerous.

J.P. Instrument not only manufacturers all these instruments, they also manufacture instruments that feature data logging – after all, the pilot can’t really be expected to observe and remember everything that happened during the flight. Modern after-market instruments come equipped with large built-in hard-drives and can store large volumes of data. These drives can be removed or data downloaded. Some instruments come equipped with Micro SD cards.

As owner of Twin engine aircraft, you might also want to install a good LCD / LED display panel. These panels help display information in an attractive, easy-to-read format.

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