Top Sales and Marketing Influencers Named as 2014–s “Must-Follow” List

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — (Marketwired) — 10/09/14 — InsideView, the most accurate source of market intelligence, today announced their annual selection of the Top 25 Sales Influencers and Top 25 Marketing Influencers, recognizing 2014–s top business-to-business sales and marketing thought leaders. The complete list of winners can be found below and on the .

“We–re thrilled and honored to recognize the top sales and marketing thought leaders once again,” said Will Spendlove, VP of Marketing at InsideView. “These professionals are setting the tone for B2B sales and marketing innovation and success. If you strive to be a better salesperson or marketer, these are the people to watch, listen to, and learn from. Their combined insights are astonishing.”

To select the industry–s top influencers each year, a research team at InsideView begins with a blank slate and then identifies those with the most — and most relevant — influence, voice, and ideas. For 2014, the team also consulted other B2B influencer lists, including those from Forbes, Top Sales World, Business2Community, and many others.

Additionally, the team–s data-driven selection algorithm included social ranking and social authority metrics from services such as Klout and FollowerWonk to better understand the reach of potential influencers. The team further created criteria for the number of followers, recency of posts, volume of posts, and relevancy of content to ensure winners were broadly influential and demonstrated proven domain expertise, not just relevancy to a small industry niche.

The top 25 sales and top 25 marketing influencers infographic can be found at , and the complete lists are as follows:

Greg Alexander @GregAlexander

Miles Austin @milesaustin

John Barrows @JohnMBarrows

Trish Bertuzzi @bridgegroupinc

Joanne Black @ReferralSales

David Brock @davidabrock

Deb Calvert @PeopleFirstPS

Brian Farrell @findtheclient

Barbara Giamanco @barbaragiamanco

Anthony Iannarino @iannarino

Jim Keenan @keenan

Jill Konrath @jillkonrath

Michael Krigsman @mkrigsman

Ken Krogue @kenkrogue

Jim Marous @JimMarous

Nancy Nardin @sellingtools

Lori Richardson @scoremoresales

Craig Rosenberg @funnelholic

Jill Rowley @jill_rowley

Anneke Seley @annekeseley

Pat Shaughnessy @B2BSalesTrainer

Jeff Sheehan @jeffsheehan

Dave Stein @davestei

Elinor Stutz @smoothsale

Mike Weinberg @mike_weinberg

Jay Baer @jaybaer

Larry Brauner @larrybrauner

Michael Brenner @BrennerMichael

Scott Brinker @chiefmartec

Douglas Burdett @ArtilleryMarket

Steve Farnsworth @Steveology

Glenn Gow @CrimsonCEO

Ann Handley @MarketingProfs

Lorena Hathaway @lorenahathaway

Aaron Kahlow @AaronKahlow

Randy Kemp @randylewiskemp

Dave Kerpen @DaveKerpen

Michelle Killebrew @shellkillebrew

Katrina Klier @KatrinaKlier

Sallie Krawcheck @SallieKrawcheck

Elton Mayfield @EltonMayfield

Margaret Molloy @MargaretMolloy

Lee Odden @leeodden

Maria Pergolino @InboundMarketer

Joe Pulizzi @JoePulizzi

Ted Rubin @TedRubin

Bret Smith @bretsmith_HIP

Michael Stelzner @Mike_Stelzner

Ann Tran @AnnTran_

Mike Volpe @mvolpe

About InsideView
InsideView provides market intelligence to inform the entire enterprise, drive marketing effectiveness and deliver sales results. We help you find better leads, win more deals and maintain and grow your customers. Our data, insights, and connections — pulled from over 30,000 sources — make every business conversation more relevant, valuable and productive. Our solutions are used by more than 450,000 sales, marketing and other professionals in over 19,000 market-leading companies including Adobe, Rosetta Stone, Box, and Zuora. For more information, follow @InsideView on Twitter, read the InsideView Blog, visit , or stop by our headquarters in San Francisco, California.

Will Spendlove

Brian LoSchiavo


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