Big Switch Networks First to Achieve “OpenStack Compatible” Mark in Networking From OpenStack Foundation

SANTA CLARA, CA — (Marketwired) — 10/09/14 — Big Switch Networks, the company bringing hyperscale networking to data centers worldwide, today announced that it is the first networking vendor to be recognized with the OpenStack Foundation–s OpenStack Compatible mark. Combining bare metal ethernet switch hardware, SDN controller software, and , Big Switch–s recently announced product brings key hyperscale networking technologies to OpenStack environments.

The OpenStack Compatible mark is given to vendors that interoperate with recent releases of the OpenStack software stack and can demonstrate compatibility and an ongoing commitment to interoperability. Big Switch Networks collaborated with Mirantis to secure the OpenStack Compatible mark and is now the only vendor recognized as OpenStack Compatible for a data center networking fabric optimized for both Neutron and Nova networking environments. Its drivers are featured on the OpenStack Marketplace and websites.

“Networking is the last barrier to agile IT and a common pain point in deploying OpenStack,” said Boris Renski, Mirantis CMO and OpenStack Foundation board member. “Achieving the OpenStack Compatible mark validates that Big Switch is committed to OpenStack, and to making it possible for enterprises to take advantage of OpenStack–s benefits without the burden of traditional network hardware.”

Big Switch–s new Big Cloud Fabric leverages a bare metal, SDN leaf/spine design that integrates with both Nova and Neutron for OpenStack pods.

In a Neutron implementation, the Big Cloud Fabric leverages the BSN ML2 Driver, enabling automation and orchestration of its bare metal, SDN-based Big Cloud Fabric with the OpenStack controller.

In a Nova implementation, Big Cloud Fabric has optimized configurations and performance enhancements that let it serve as a multi-path leaf/spine CLOS service 4k VLANs to every edge port. Unlike traditional spanning-tree based switching designs, full cross-section bandwidth can be acheived while delivering 4k vlans to every edge port with no performance penalty.

In addition to Nova and Neutron support, Big Cloud Fabric also offers (optional) extensions to the OpenStack Horizon dashboard to expose key features enabled by this bare metal SDN approach to cloud networking. An example screenshot, allowing tenants to verify network reachability between their VMs, is shown below. All Big Switch extensions are intended for community contribution over time.

“Our users are deploying OpenStack pods ranging from 2 racks to 16 racks this quarter,” said Kyle Forster, Co-founder at Big Switch. “Even at that scale, our users need to operate less like traditional enterprise IT and more like hyperscale data center architects. We are accelerating the broad adoption of OpenStack, and OpenStack is accelerating the broad adoption of hyperscale network design.”

Excited to announce that @bigswitch earns first networking “OpenStack Compatible” mark from the @OpenStack Foundation.

Big Switch Networks is the market leader in bringing hyperscale data center networking
technologies to a broader audience. The company is taking three key hyperscale technologies — OEM/ODM bare metal and open Ethernet switch hardware, sophisticated SDN control software, and core-and-pod data center designs — and leveraging them in fit-for-purpose products designed for use in enterprises, cloud providers, and service providers. The company–s Big Tap Monitoring Fabric is an entry level solution to monitor existing networks, and the flagship Big Cloud Fabric is the industry–s most advanced bare metal switching fabric intended for new data center pods such as private cloud, big data, and VDI. For additional information, email , follow @bigswitch, or visit .

Big Switch Networks, Big Cloud Fabric, Big Tap, Switch Light OS, and Switch Light vSwitch are trademarks or registered trademarks of Big Switch Networks, Inc. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective.

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