Icinga Exchange – New Monitoring Repository

Icinga users have a new address to search and share Icinga compatible extensions. The Icinga Exchange repository created by the Icinga project and Monitoring Exchange features enhanced search functionality and GitHub synchronization.

The new repository opens with over 500 plugins, addons and other monitoring related projects, as Monitoring Exchange joins the Icinga Project and migrates to the new exchange.icinga.org address. The extensions have been screened to be active and current, verified for live links, latest releases and updated documentation.

Most importantly the repository design ensures searches are quick and easy. It boasts a Solr based search engine and navigation tags for project type, vendor and monitoring target. The two combined allow users to search any term within a project and view a dynamic list of results as they type.

Posting new projects to the repository is similarly convenient. Users can choose from manual uploads or an automated GitHub sync. With the latter, updates made to a project on GitHub automatically appear on the linked project in Icinga Exchange.

“Icinga Exchange gives monitoring projects on Github another platform to get found by Icinga users in the community – all while taking the fuss out of maintaining a second project site”, said Matthias, Icinga Exchange Developer.

Icinga Exchange also stands out from other repositories in its support for multiple releases and Markdown documentation. Both are simple features that make managing projects easier for contributors.

When asked about the motivation behind Icinga Exchange, Icinga project coordinator Bernd Erk explained:

“With Icinga Exchange we hope to give Icinga compatible plugins and addons a home. We have no prejudices either; extensions are often compatible with Nagios, Shinken, Naemon, Centreon and other tools too – all these are welcome at Icinga Exchange because the Icinga community is about sharing that monitoring love around.”

For more information, Icinga Exchange is found at: https://exchange.icinga.org
[Images, logos and photos available. Reprints free of charge. Reference copy requested.]


About Icinga Exchange
Icinga Exchange is a central repository for all plugins, files, programs and addons that extend Icinga and all compatible projects like Nagios, Shinken or Naemon. The repository allows users to easily search, store and rate Icinga compatible extensions and connect with the people behind them.

For more information on Icinga Exchange, visit: https://exchange.icinga.org

About Monitoring Exchange
Monitoring Exchange was the very first plugin and addon repository for monitoring systems like Nagios and Icinga. Established in 2004, the repository became home to more than 2000 projects and 15,400+ users over the years.

As of September 2014, Monitoring Exchange migrated to Icinga Exchange.

For more information on Monitoring Exchange, visit: www.monitoringexchange.org

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