MOG partners with Archiware to improve production workflows from ingest into archive

MOG Technologies offers an array of solutions for customers that struggle with multi-format and multi-vendors workflow environments. The mxfSPEEDRAIL product-line covers every step of the production workflow, from capture, to playback, passing through transcoding and file conversion, enabling the user to unify its production workflow.

Archiware P5 allows users to synchronize, backup and archive data on Mac, Windows, Linux and Solaris operating systems, with four modules: P5 Synchronize to clone data between different locations or from Xsan or SAN, P5 Backup to save data from servers to disk or tape-based backup, P5 Backup2Go to back up desktop and laptop data to disk, and P5 Archive to migrate data offline to disk or tape.

By combining mxfSPEEDRAIL with P5 Archive, customers will be able to achieve the maximum efficiency on their production workflows. The result is an easy, robust and scalable solution.

Using mxfSPEEDRAIL, users can perfectly ingest media contents, either band-based or file-based; automatically tag the files with a powerful metadata annotation engine; transcode and encode the media contents in all professional broadcast formats; and even create Hi-Res and Proxy versions of the media, having the media files immediately available for on-the-fly editing.

mxfSPEEDRAIL will ingest the media content into the editing environment while sending the contents together with metadata and proxies into P5 Archive. Subsequently, Archiware will provide the best method to manage this information through its intuitive interface, as well as create space on high performance storage. The system will keep all the important archive data easily accessible and perfectly organized, reducing the risk of data loss and avoiding the hassle of constantly having to increase storage. P5 will display the proxies and metadata files generated by mxfSPEEDRAIL, allowing the user to easily manage its contents, browsing and searching anything, at any time, and enabling easy repurposing of archived content.

mxfSPEEDRAIL / P5 Archive main advantages:
• mxfSPEEDRAIL creates HI-RES and Proxy versions of the ingested files while P5 Archive enables to browse Media with Previews/Proxies;
• mxfSPEEDRAIL has a powerful annotation metadata engine for tagging media files, while P5 Archive easily searches metadata;
• mxfSPEEDRAIL enables archival workflows for file-based content, HD SDI/SDI feeds and tapes, directly into P5 Archive, with metadata enhancement and proxy creation;
• mxfSPEEDRAIL and P5 Archive enable easy identification, organization and access to archived materials, achieving better workflows for content repurposing.

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