Application-oriented thin film measurement seminar

More than 20 participants mainly from industry as well as SENTECH users were part of the audience. The seminar took place on 24th of June, 2014 in Munich.Recent topics of thin film measurement like organic layers and organic solar cells were discussed within the numerous presentations. SENTECH`s latest developments – the measurement of 16 Müller-Matrix-Elements and scatterometry – were especially focused on. One of the outstanding highlights of the seminar was the presentation on “Measuring optical properties of organic layers for characterizing OLEDs” by Christian Mayr from the University of Augsburg. In this application, spectroscopic ellipsometry is applied to estimate the later efficiency of an organic LED. A presentation by M. Baklanov from IMEC addressed the “characterization of coatings with huge internal surfaces by using ellipsometry”.

In addition to the talks, the audience highly appreciated the demonstration of SENTECH`s ellipsometers and reflectometers for thin film measurement. SENTECH demonstrated how the step scan analysator in combination with high sensitive detector-arrays allows the measurement of rough and textured surfaces.

The active exchange with users and experts in thin film measurement is an important aspect for SENTECH. Customer oriented research and development in thin film measurement as well as in plasma process technology is our dedication. Hence, we are organizing innovative seminars several times a year. If you want to learn more about upcoming SENTECH Seminars and workshops, contact us!

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