PROFINET Diagnostics with Extended Functionality

The new version 1.5 of the TH SCOPE diagnostics software for PROFINET provides maintenance engineers and plant manufacturers with flexible, customizable topology views for the network. From different automatically generated topology displays, e.g. with device images or variable top nodes, users can select and print the desired topology when conducting an acceptance measurement. Error and network statistics are now also created for historical data and user-defined time periods. This provides enhanced transparency in network commissioning.

The creation of reference measurements during commissioning and the comparison of the reference status and the actual status of networks have been simplified. Extended measurement values are now available to allow comparing error statistics and absorption of the network. The actual status of the PROFINET network during operation can be easily compared to an accepted status at any time, offering a quick and simple way to narrow down the error cause if problems have occurred.

TH SCOPE and TH LINK provide secure access to industrial networks for diagnostic purposes, independently of the controllers, engineering tools and control systems. Designed to meet the specific needs and requirements of maintenance engineering, the diagnostics products require no special IT or network knowledge. In addition to the PROFINET standard, the products also support EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP and PROFIBUS networks.

After the acquisition of the Trebing + Himstedt Industrial Communication product portfolio by Softing Industrial Automation GmbH, the new releases underline the continued commitment as product leader in the field of PROFINET and PROFIBUS diagnostics.

Customers can test the full functionality of the TH SCOPE Ethernet diagnostics software for free for 30 days. The new firmware and software versions of TH LINK PROFINET, TH LINK EtherNet/IP, TH LINK Modbus TCP, TH LINK Industrial Ethernet and TH LINK PC Industrial Ethernet are available to existing customers as free upgrades as usual.

The new versions are available for download from the Softing Website.

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