“Plasma Etching & Deposition” Seminar in China enjoyed great popularity

More than 60 participants have joined this informative one day event, which contained advanced information about plasma etching & deposition with a focus on new trends in plasma etching, PECVD and ALD.
Expert speakers from SENTECH and from scientific organizations in China focussed on recent plasma process topics like deep silicon plasma etching processes and applications. Furthermore, ICP plasma etching of III-V compounds and in situ ellipsometry for ALD systems were covered. The technical program of this free of charge seminar was set up to stimulate customers´ interests in SENTECH´s recent technical advances and to support plasma users in their practical work. Between the presentations lively discussions about specific technical details as well as the suitability of ICP processes for creating solutions to future application challenges came up. Special interest was on ICP plasma deposition at low temperatures for temperature sensitive substrates. SENTECH was glad to underline that high quality ICPECVD film deposition temperatures lower than 130° C are feasible with our ICP plasma deposition tools.
Evaluating the participants’ feedback confirmed the positive impressions that the SENTECH presenters had experienced during the event. There was a very positive feedback to context and standard of all presentations. This stimulates SENTECH to continue organizing workshops and events around plasma etching and deposition topics. “Hence SENTECH is planning to institutionalize more of those workshops on plasma topics on a regular basis” Mr Gruska, CMO of SENTECH Instruments reveals. If you want to learn more about SENTECH plasma etching and PECVD Seminars contact us!

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