With the cost of living increasing and wages not keeping up, families in America are struggling to survive, having to do without with essentials such as a phone that can be used in an emergency can put lives at risk.
Communication in the modern world is important for so many reasons. Some people need a cell phone for health reasons, other people need them for security, but not everyone can afford a cell phone and this is the reason why a popular website (gov-cell-phone.com) want to let people know about a government program where some people can have free government cell phones.
Although the free cell phone program is not very public knowledge, some people still debate whether the government program is a good idea or not and if the program is a waste of money. Whatever some people may think, the program is there and (gov-cell-phone.com) brings people all the up to date accurate information on the free phone service.
Consumers can by visiting the site, find out all the up to date information on the Lifeline program, which offers free cell phones. There are a lot of false stories on the internet about the government program with one of the main false stories claiming that the under fire President of the United States, President Obama, brought in the program, this story is false as the program was introduced in 1985.
A spokesman for the Free Government Cell Phone information website said: “With all the false stories that are appearing on the internet we wanted to put the record straight as well as help promote the program so more people can take advantage of it.”
The important website allows the consumer to find out if the program is available in their state and helps them understand if they qualify or not. The program is a very important program that can help people who really need cell phone, however with the lack of promotion of the service and the lack of information, many men and women are missing out.
If you have never heard of the program or you have heard of the program and would like more information, then please visit http://www.gov-cell-phone.com/ where you can gain all the latest information about the Government Cell Phone program and find out if you are entitled to a free cell phone.
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