Ways out of the “snake pit” test data management

Many customers have already tried several solutions, e.g. for generating and providing test data. The paralysing results come to light more or less rapidly: As a lot has already been invested in the single test data solutions, the status quo is accepted as the best possible solution.
The message of the „Trends in Testing 2014“ speakers was: The problems – symbolised by the figure of snake-haired Medusa from Greek antiquity – must be understood in a holistic way in order to attain successful test data management. It is crucial to deal with the subject methodically, to virtually hold a mirror up to the problem and to achieve a strategic test data management – in order to avoid solidifying like in the myth. The imbus consultants provide assistance in creating a precisely fitting test data strategy. They can make a significant contribution towards an integration of the single solutions in a holistic approach.
Tools are usually necessary when it comes to providing and managing the test data. How to find the perfect tool for the specific test data management problem? The platform Testtool Review provides an overview.
Altogether some 400 IT experts visited “Trends in Testing” on its tour across Germany and Switzerland during the last four weeks. This is a new record for the series of events that take place every year since 2006. In the road show’s luggage: tool manufacturers and best practices for methodical procedure – a combination making the event unique within this framework. The start was in Zurich, followed by Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Munich, Hofheim/Taunus and Cologne. This year’s closing event took place in Hamburg today.

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