Share Ideas, Resources, and Knowledge with a Wiki-Domain

The Wiki-Domain is designed to enable organisations, communities, techies, and passionate individuals to share their subject matter with likeminded people, groups and the entire world.
With a website at the Wiki-Domain, you can be confident that your topic of interest, as well as the informative, collaborative nature of your site will be instantly recognised and understood by everyone ? even before they have accessed your website.
What makes a Wiki-Domain website so great is that it?s limited purely by imagination ? maybe you want to create an online cookbook, bringing together eclectic recipes from around the world. Or maybe you?re a passionate community of developers, sharing expertise and pushing the boundaries of technology. It really is the domain for everyone:
Enthusiasts of all varieties can share their knowledge and passion online ? from hobbyists, to fan clubs and even academics
Techies and open source pioneers can easily work with their peers across the world
Organisations can use internal wikis to promote collective knowledge & brainstorming, or public-facing wikis to interact with, educate and learn from their consumers
Celebrities, influencers, and well… basically everyone, can use their Wiki-Domain to share and control their public profiles
What?s more, a Wiki-Domain domain will help you grow participation, value and reach, ultimately enhancing your online visibility.
The Wiki-Domain is now accepting pre-registrations in preparation for its launch on March 3rd. Pre-registering a Wiki-Domain domain means that you will be the first to know when your ideal name is available for registration. Go on, give yourself the best possible chance of securing your Wiki-Domain by pre-registering now.
What are you waiting for? Prepare to create, share and edit on the fly ? the Wiki-Domain way.
Hans-Peter Oswald

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