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Massigner – A New Mobile Application Launched To Improve Management Of Tasks And Communication


Inspired by the long time Management funda, “Who’s got the monkey” William Oncken and Donald Wass which has been a very popular magazine published by Harvard Business Review. According to this Management theory, most of us are over burdened by the tasks or the ‘monkeys’ of others. The upcoming mobile app will make sure that this does not happen and all monkeys stay with their respective owners! Let us take a brief look as to what exactly is a massigner—

There are some basic features of this application which makes it all lucrative. First and foremost it allows the users to assign specific tasks (monkeys) to the right owners and release themselves from pressure. Another difficulty that is faced by performers is the overcrowding e-mails. It becomes virtually impossible to hunt from the sea of e-mails and select the ones which are relevant to the task performer. It also becomes problematic to track your performance or choose the important tasks assigned to you via discussions, meetings, conferences, mails and phone calls. Not being able to cope with the increasing load of work, you are very likely to collapse.

Now massigner is here to help you out from a messy situation. Massigner operates very efficiently in an organized manner. There are specific steps that it undertakes in order to assign tasks properly and ease out the work pressure. First of all, massigner categorizes the tasks into 3 sections namely, Self, Received and Assigned. The self depicts the tasks assigned to you on your own. Next, received tasks show the To-Dos assigned to you by your boss or client. Last but not the least; assigned work aids you to keep a track of tasks assigned to others so that you do not end up taking up their tasks like a donkey! There are also a few more steps to ensure effective management of work load. You can keep an eye on the important tasks and plan up your own scheme to finish them off one by one with regard to their priority. You can also mark your assignments depending on their urgency.

In this way, massigner helps to wrap up work effectively, identifying communication between the assigner and the assignee and finishing off within deadlines without any tension. Massigner is free and can be easily downloaded on Android and Apple from Google Play and I store respectively.

Massigner is a new wonderful mobile app to be launched in the end of February 2014. It will help to assign, organize, track and perform tasks without worry.
For more information please visit: http://massigner.com/

For Support: support@massigner.com
For Business Development: bd@massigner.com
For Press: press@massigner.com
Website- http://massigner.com/


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