Adyton Systems NETWORK PROTECTOR 5.0 shows product maturity

Leipzig, February 6th 2014. Adyton Systems has released the fifth generation of the product that continues to redefine the information security and next generation firewall markets. The NETWORK PROTECTOR AdyOS version 5.0 further streamlines security analyst functions and provides administrators access to the highest level of security without compromising business goals and operations.

«The 5.0 release is the result of a cooperative effort with our global customers to push towards a new security model that focuses on defending what is valuable to the business and doing this at several points in the network,» says Stefan Sebastian, the VP of Product and Strategy, «It’s really the unification of several key aspects of NETWORK PROTECTOR functionality that target business threats both inside and outside the network. These unique capabilities have proven to be key in our largest recent customer wins in Europe and the Middle East.»

The 5.0 release also features an enhanced and responsive user experience. This latest generation of user interface focuses on security and traffic management along with reporting functions and targets a variety of user roles at a companies today. It is accessible to these diverse set of users regardless whether this is done via the traditional desktop, on a tablet or through any mobile device and any operating system.

The new release further underlines the maturity of the product and expanding customer base in Europe and the Middle East. This market is increasingly seeing the need for information security innovation without backdoors and the expectation of high quality that comes with being made in Germany.

Many companies in the private and public sectors continue to choose the NETWORK PROTECTOR including logistics services, defense industries, software companies, mining and minerals, design engineering and manufacturing companies.

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