Dell has launched its two new tablets, the Venue 7 and Venue 8 in India. The Dell Venue 7 comes with a price tag of Rs 10,999 and other comes with a price tag of Rs 17,499. Both the tablets are available in the company-s online store.
The Dell Venue 7 features a 7-inch IPS LCD capacitive touch-screen display with WXGA 800×1280 pixels resolution. The tablet is powered by a 2GHz dual-core Intel Atom Z2760 processor with 2GB of DDR2 RAM and sports an Intel HD Graphics.
The tablet features a 16GB of internal storage which can be further expandable upto 32GB via microSD card. The Dell Venue 7 sports a 3-megapixel of rear camera and a VGA front facing camera. The tablet measures 9.5x118x193mm in dimensions and runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean.
The Dell Venue 7 packs with an integrated 4100mAh 1-cell battery and connectivity option of the tablet include Wi-Fi, bluetooth 4.0, EDGE, GPRS, microUSB 2.0, HSPA+ and 3.5mm audio jack. The tablet weighs 234g and will be available only in single black color.
The Dell Venue 8 features an 8-inch IPS LCD capacitive touch-screen display with 800×1280 pixels resolution and is powered by a 2GHz dual-core Intel Atom Z2580 processor with 2GB of DDR2 RAM. The tablet runs on Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and sports an Intel HD Graphics.
The tablet comes with a 16GB of internal storage which can be further expandable upto 32GB via microSD card. The Dell Venue 8 sports a 5-megapixel of rear camera with 2-megapixel of front facing camera. The tablet measures 212x130x9.8mm in dimensions and weighs about 292g.
The Dell Venue 7 packs with an integrated 4100mAh 1-cell battery and connectivity option of the tablet include Wi-Fi, bluetooth 4.0, EDGE, GPRS, microUSB 2.0, HSPA+ and 3.5mm audio jack. The tablet is available only in single black color.
Dell Venue 7 key Specifications:
• 7-inch IPS LCD capacitive touch-screen display (800×1280 pixels resolution)
• 2GHz dual-core Intel Atom Z2760 processor
• Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
• 16GB internal storage
• 32GB expandable via microSD card
• 3-megapixel rear camera
• VGA front camera
• Integrated 4100mAh 1-cell battery
• Connectivity: Wi-Fi, bluetooth 4.0, EDGE, GPRS, microUSB 2.0, HSPA+ and 3.5mm audio jack
Dell Venue 8 key Specifications:
• 8-inch IPS LCD capacitive touch-screen display (800×1280 pixels resolution)
• 2GHz dual-core Intel Atom Z2760 processor
• Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
• 16GB internal storage
• 32GB expandable via microSD card
• 5-megapixel rear camera
• 2-megapixel front camera
• Integrated 4100mAh 1-cell battery
• Connectivity: Wi-Fi, bluetooth 4.0, EDGE, GPRS, microUSB 2.0, HSPA+ and 3.5mm audio jack
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