Infotecs GmbH gets new Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Dr. Evgeny Fedchenko will take over as new Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Infotecs GmbH in Berlin in January 2014. His responsibilities will include achieving Infotecs’ strategic growth targets on the European market by making technical resources available.

Dr. Fedchenko previously served as Head of Project Management at Infotecs AG in Moscow, where he played an instrumental role in helping the company evolve into a leading provider in the field of IT security and was an influential force behind many technological development decisions.

With more than 18 years of experience in IT and software development plus his extensive expertise resulting from successful global projects, Dr. Fedchenko is highly qualified for the tasks ahead of him.

“We live in a day and age in which people’s views of data protection are changing rapidly. Technical developments – such as virtualization, the fast pace at which mobile devices are gaining acceptance and the use of social networks – present us with new challenges on a daily basis. The more convenient and effective new information technology makes our work and our day-to-day lives, the more people’s need for information security comes to the fore. As a developer of IT security solutions, our mission is to meet this need for protection,” Dr. Fedchenko commented.

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